Chapter 32

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Jakes POV

his really showed me a new side of Emma that I never want to see it hurt to see her like that

Emma's POV

I woke up feeling like crap it was dark an I realised that it was the night a arm was draped over me I turned to see who it was an their he was jake

What this guy does to me he looked so attractive just asleep he pulled me closer to his chest he smiled in his sleep an tangled his legs around mine making sure I couldn't escape

He doesn't think am a monster 'jake' I whispered 'baby girl sleep' he said tiredly kissing me on the forehead 'jake wake up' i tried getting out but he would just pull me back 'baby girl sleep'    'I don't want to sleep' I moaned

He opens his eyes 'is their a reason why you are waking me up at this time?' His eyes stared deeply into mine 'I'm hungry' he looked at me before mumbling something under his breath 'so are you in?' I asked an he nodded whilst getting out of bed 'wait we need to dress up' he just stared at me confusingly

I went to the bathroom an got changed into my black legging an a black top I realised he had black jeans on so I gave him a black shirt

'Your seriously such a wierdo' he mumbled I walked out he caught up to me an grabbed my hand electricity ran straight through me

We had finally made it down into the kitchen when jake decided on falling over thin air dropping some pots 'shit were caught' I quickly grabbed him an dragged him behinds the counter

We heard footsteps 'who every you are put your hands behind your head an get up or we will have to hurt you' it was zac I saw jake look at me an I nodded

'Oh hey you guys didn't expect you guys to be up' I said sheepishly 'Emma you scared us' Mark whined 'hey I was asleep until jake forced me up because he was hungr 'all of a sudden jake got up 'you woke me up to eat' he said looking at me

'No no if I remember you woke me up' 'and how was that?'he questioned 'you had your arm around me an wouldn't let me go so I had to wake you' I said raising an eyebrow 'you just admitted it that it was you who woke me up' he said smiling

I just grunted an I heard the boys chuckle 'don't make a mess we're off to sleep' an with that they walked out

'Tonight we eat like men' I said in the deepest voice ever 'baby girl you blamed me' jake said with a pout I stuck my tongue out at him

'What shall I make for you guys?' The chef said I screamed so loud an ran to jake i heard them both laughing 'hey you scared me'i said with a pout he laughed 'no one should ever let you cook an as soon as I heard you were in here I came as quick as I could an I don't know about you boy' the chef said 'excuse you,you clearly haven't tasted my cereal' I replied back he shook his head

'Well we want pancakes with Nutella an strawberries' I said he nodded an I took jake with me to the dining room

'I want to apologise about the thing that happened in the bathroom you wasn't supposed to see that it was the side effects of the injection it makes me really depressed' I said looking down 'baby girl you don't have to explain anything to me if you don't want to but I don't ever want to see you like that never' he said lifting up my chin

Thanks for reading

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