Chapter 31

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I looked up to find jake stood by the door I couldn't move I couldn't speak  am sure my doors are locked

'What the fuck are you doing?' He came running in an snatched the razors off me he looked at me am a look of regret flashed trough his eyes

'Am sorry baby girl 'he said lifting my chin up ' am so fucking sorry ' that's when my body gave up everything went black

Jakes POV

'I hate me too' that the last thing she said before she walked out I knew all her walls were down but she juts said she likes me I just sat their she just fucking said she likes me I don't care about her past well I do but I know her past has hurt her maybe one day she will tell me what happened

I walked into the dining room thinking she would be their but she wasn't everyone looked so guilty 'what happened?' I questioned

'Emma thinks we hate her I don't see why she did all this to protect us even though it didn't work she was their when a gun was held up to your head she stopped him from killing you I guess we all have dark secrets' Maria said

I nodded agreeing I had to find her i went to her room the door was locked I tried hard to open it but it wouldn't I saw one of the gang members walking by 'can you open the door for me I need to see her' he looked at me an then quickly pulled out a key opening the door for me 'I didn't open it' he said an walked off

She wasn't in her room an I saw the toilet door open I'm not going to walk into the toilet am not that much of an idiot well that was until I heard her sobs like last night I ran in Ann I wasn't prepared to see what happened next

She sat their cutting her thighs 'Emma' I didn't believe it was her it can't be her she looked at me she looked so fragile an hurt 'what the fuck are you doing?' I ran up to her an took the blade out of her hand she looked down

'Am sorry baby girl' I lifted her Chn up do she could see me 'am so fucking sorry' an just like that she was out 'Emma? Emma babe please wake up ' shook her but it was unless maybe this was the side effects of the injection that's why she hated it so much

I looked at her thighs an their were so many scars not just fresh scars how can someone so beautiful so this to them selves I quickly cleaned her up an put bandages around her legs I carried her to her bed an let her sleep

Hope you all enjoyed that an thanks for reading

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