chapter 17

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hospitals ~ Emma's POV

This bed was so uncomfortable wait bed? I opened my eyes an quickly closed them it was so white an it had a hospital smell am I in hospital? I opened my eyes an let them adjust to the lighting an I was in a hospital that explains the pain an the cast an that annoying beeping sound I felt something heavy on my hands

it was someone else's hand but who's wow he was attractive his perfect jaw bones he was asleep I tried to get up to get a better look of him but pain shot right trough me " fuck " I said under my breath is this guy going to get up ugh I have to wake him that's nice waking up an attractive stranger an where on earth is Justin?

I shook his arm " guy will you wake up " I said but still no luck so I pinched him " ouch " he screamed " oops my bad " I said " Emma?!! your up " he screamed he needs to stop or else am going back to sleep " stop screaming an how do you know my name? " " oops sorry its me jake " he said like I was supposed to know him " well I don't know you an could you get my boyfriend on the way out " I said he stayed quite but got up

well wasn't he attractive even his voice sounded hot stop you have a boyfriend the door opened an Maria came running in an hugged me avoiding my arm " Maria I can't breath " she quickly jumped of me an started apologising non stop I put my hand up to stop her " stop apologising an where's Justin an also who are these strangers? " I said

" Em why do you want Justin a these lot aren't strangers " she said seriously " I want Taylor " I said stubbornly " Justin isn't here " she said with gritted teeth " where is he then? " " I don't know " she said " I want my boyfriend " I said " your boyfriend? " I nodded my head " yes Justin " I said slowly " you what??!!! Justin is not your boyfriend " she screamed " yes he is now go get him or I will " I screamed she rubbed her face

" Em you broke up with Justin " she said " no I didn't get me Justin " I said she sighed " fine " she said an walked out " Em you broke up with Justin " Connor said " an why would I do that? " " Em he cheated on you so you broke up with him why don't you understand " he said " stop chatting shit fuck of if I want Justin than I want Justin am only asking for my boyfriend not the whole world " I said glaring at him he walked out too " are you fucking kidding me leave me with strangers why don't you " I screamed

" Emma where not strangers " the guy said who was holding my hand " yes you are I don't know you what else do you call people that you don't know? " I asked " well am jake " I nodded my head " he's William an he's Jordan " he said pointing at the other guys " do you know why am here? " I asked " you was in a car crash Jordan can show you the pictures if you want " jake said I nodded my head I got the remote an put my bed up an Jordan passed me his phone

" my car " I whined the boys just chuckled I handed Jordan back his phone " I probably look like shit right now too " I sighed " no the beaten look looks hot on you " William said with a wink " if I " wasn't in pain I would of slapped you " " but you are an you can't " " I will try " I said attempting to get up but to be pushed back down by jake " what's taking Justin so long " I whined " so Justin's your boyfriend? " Jordan asked " yep he is " I replied with a smile on my face

three nurses rushed in " oh boys why didn't you tell us she had woken? " one of the nurses said " okay wait outside we have to run a few tests check that everything's going well " another said the boys walked out " that jake boy he's a keeper " a nurse with blonde hair said " huh? " " jake he hasn't left since you got here " she said " how long have I been here? " " three days hun an he's been by your side all them days only left the room when asked an he never went home " she said smiling whilst the nurses ran some tests " but I have a boyfriend " I said

after a while and after a whole load of questions a nurse spoke up " everything is healing fine its just that you have some memory loss which will recover in a few days or so nothing serious " I just nodded my head the nurses left an then Maria an the boys walked in " where's Justin? " I asked " I though you would forget " " where is he? " " he's on his way calm down but Em you broke up he cheated on you its just that you have had memory loss an you have forgot " she said seriously " Maria I would remember if we broke up " I said she just sighed " don't say I didn't tell you so " she mumbled

the door bursted open an in walked Justin " wow you look different you change quickly in three days " I said Justin had green/blue coloured eyes he had brown hair an his face was structured so well he has muscles but wow he looked hot " three days? " he said looking at me " Justin she's had a car crash lost her memory but she seemed to think that she's still dating you could you tell her your not so we can get this over with " Maria said " Em its true we broke up ages ago " he said rubbing his neck

" are you being fucking serious " I screamed " this is all your fault " I said pointing at Maria " no Em am being serious I just didn't want him to break your heart again " she said " Maria just get out you should of left me in my car left me to die that would of been better " I screamed at her " Em listen " she said tying to talk " just fuck off get the fuck out " I screamed she walked out with Connor

" Em look you have to listen to her she's telling the truth I did cheat on you an then you broke up with me I was trying to make you jealous even though you was already mine its just that Taylor came along an you started acting different like you liked him an I heard you did that's why I cheated on you because I was pissed an jealous that you liked Taylor over me an I actually believed them because I was such an idiot " he said

" that's nice you can join Maria too " I said with a smile on my face he walked out too ha that's funny even though I told him to go I thought he would turn around an hug me telling me he loved me but he didn't he walked away instead of at least try to help me the stupid beeping machine just pissed me of even more I pressed a switch which turned everything off even my bed " well that was nice " I said I tried to get up I kept trying till I did

" you shouldn't apply to much pressure it'll just be worse " William said I just ignored his comment " I want my memory back this is not fun at all " I said with a pout

so Emma lost her memory btw Justin is one of her ex's if you haven't realised an he cheated on her on the next chapter am going to skip a few days so what do you guys think of it so far? what are your guy's opinion an as always thanks for reading

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