Chapter 35

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Yes this story is coming to an end but not yet an am really excited because I plan on re-writing everything it will have the same story line but better
Anyways that's enough of me

Jake had slept next to me that night whilst I lied awake why would he want me? I have waaaay to much baggage 'Baby girl go to sleep I like you an I don't care about anything else an like Elsa says the past is in the past let it go' he said singing

I snuggled up to him he kissed my forehead 'now sleep' he demanded an that's exactly what I did

'Baby girl get up' someone said shaking me it was too early I grunted suddenly my covers were pulled off me I glared at the person 'it's to early jake' I whined an grabbed my covers back

Five minutes had passed an I was asleep once again that was until I felt my self being carried I snuggled up to the person trying to get comfortable

'Am going to put you down now ' I recognised the voice as jakes I shook my head 'no' an I snuggled up closer too him he tried putting me down but I clung onto him

I heard him sigh 'that's what you get for waking me up so early 'I mumbled I felt his chest vibrate when he chuckled 'woah' Maria said as we walked into the room

I looked. At her an she winked at me I shook my head 'your going to have to let go now so we can eat' jake whispered in my ear his voice sent tingles down my spine 'I don't want to we don't have to eat' he shook his head 'what are we going to do with you?' I gave him a peck on his lips 'you guys not in here I actually want my food to go down' William whined

'what do you mean this?' An with that I crashed my lips onto jakes he smiled in the kiss 'exactly that' Maria said 'hey missy your always kissing Connor an I don't say anything' she stuck her tongue out I did the same

'An yep she's certainly the leader of our gang she's very mature' Mark said I stuck my tongue out at him too

'Okay I want food' I announced 'an what happened too we don't have to eat?' Jake questioned 'oh shush you' said everyone chuckled 'Em were going to have a meeting today about what we're going to do next ' Mark told me 'okay I'll be their not that I have a choice' I chuckled at the end

Once we had ate we had decided on walking around because their are some woods around here Mark had suggested it saying that we need to see the outside world an we just agreed

We had packed back packs because we had planned to go camping I knew the way but only a bit

'Omg am seriously so excited' Maria had repeated that for the 100th time an it was getting annoying 'babes be quite' Connor said to her she pouted an he kissed her I quickly turned my head 'you guysss' I whined

Maria looked at me 'jealous?'she said with a smirk 'no not at all I have someone better' she raised an eyebrow up at me 'Jordan' I said smirking she busted out laughing 'what??' Jake screamed which made Maria laugh even more

'She just admitted that Jordan's a better kisser an that she likes him' Connor said 'you've kissed Jordan' he screamed

'Emma we had a deal you promised you wouldn't tell anyone' Jordan said walking out the door an slamming it 'so it's true' jake started to go red

'You kissed my best friend an now your all over me? 'He shouted at this point the whole room was laughing he got up an walked out i was on the floor tears were falling from my eyes

After a bit I sobered up 'yh maybe I should go get him now' an with that I walked out to find him

He was in his room but his door was locked 'jake open the door' their was no reply 'jakeyy I know your in their open the door' still no reply

I ran down the hall an grabbed a key I then ran back to jakes door an opened it he was sat on the bed he hadn't heard me come in

I took a seat next to him ' why you so angry?' I asked 'you kissed my best friend an you think I wouldn't be? ' he said angrily even though it didn't make sense what he said I knew what he meant

'It was a joke I never kissed Jordan or anyone for that matter apart from you'i said honestly I then kissed him he didn't kiss me back so I pulled away an pouted 'jakeyy I want a kiss from my favourite person an he won't give me one' he smiled a bit 'an who is this favourite person?' He asked with a smirk on his face 'well he's actually got the same name as you but he's so much better than you' I said with my own smirk now 'oh is he now' an with that he crashed his lips onto mine pulling me on top of him

'Mhm come back once you've done the deed we don't want non of that when we're camping' Maria said as soon as me an jake walked in

I smiled at her 'we'll try but theirs not promises' jake said slapping my bun whilst he walked past me Maria scrunched up her nose 'okay okay let's go' she said happily 'am seriously so-' the whole room was glaring at her she put her hands up in surrender an zipped her mouth closed

'Where off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz' me and Maria sang we had our arms linked together an we were a head of everyone

'Please be quiet' Jordan moaned I started feeling tired so i slowed down Maria had gone to conner 'jakeyy my favourite person can you carry me?' I asked sweetly batting my eyelashes
'No can do babes am tired too' he said kissing my cheek

I sat down in the floor 'what are you doing?' He questioned 'am tired my legs hurt an I don't want to walk' i said with a sigh 'you have to get up or were leaving you' William said I shook my head 'come here Emma' Jordan said

I ran up to him an jumped onto his back 'let's piss of jake' he said mischievously I nodded my head he quickly ran up so he was In front of everyone

He put his hands on my butt I wrapped my arms around him an giggled I put my face in the crook of his neck he turned his head to aside an whispered in my ear 'I think it's working' I giggled again an bit my lip pitting my head to a side so he could see

'Right that's it give the girl to me now'  jake demanded 'but-' he cut me off 'no butts we will talk about this later' he said grabbing me an putting me on his front so I could see his face

The piercing blue eyes looked darker he was jealous 'jakeyy' he didn't look at me 'you know I only like you' he still didn't look 'that was only to piss you off an Jordan's not my type,no offence Jordan' I said still nothing I brought my face up to his neck an started kissing it I heard him inhale a deep breath an I felt his pulse go faster

I brought my lips to his making sure to be slow his lips were an inch away from mine I wasn't planning on moving he then crashed his soft lips on to mine I felt him stop walking he deepened the kiss my hands went to his hair I heard him moan

'You can not move from here until we find a toilet or somewhere more private' he said looking down

'You guys hurry we are seriously nearly their' it was William an then I heard Maria squeal

Jake didn't put me down an we stayed like that till we found the perfect camping spot 'we just need to go somewhere' jake said I quickly jumped of him but I stood in front of him 'no your coming with me you got me like this' I said I took off my jacket an handed it to him I head him sigh

Whilst he walked off I sent him a flying kiss 'what was all that about?' Maria questioned 'oh nothing' I said with a smirk she shook her head with a knowingly look

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