chapter 28

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Emma's POV

I was so angry the fact that they know am in a gang I had sent them to one of my hotels just to keep them safe because the last time I tried that they nearly got killed an I know they are going to want an explanation this is why I don't get attached to people I just end up hurting them in the end that's the worst thing about being in a gang either breaking off all connections with everyone or watch them get hurt

I still don't get what they want I could of killed him on the spot but I didn't I couldn't with Jake in the room

I was on my way to the hotel by the end of this they will hate me they won't even want to know me that's why I was planning on not telling them I know they will hate me there are ganna think am a monster

I made my way in ' 3rd floor room 5 ' one of my workers said I nodded my head an went their I stopped right in front of the door better get this over and done with i thought an pushed the door open

All their eyes were on me Connor,Maria,jake,William and Jordan none of them moved not even an inch should I say hi?

'What happened at jakes house?' Maria questioned first she didn't even look at me 'can we just give it a rest I'll explain another day not today' I said with a sigh

'No jake nearly died in there' she said looking me in the eye with so much hatred ' I get that he's your precious boyfriend an you don't want anything bad to happen to him but give it a rest I have been trough enough for the day' I said blankly a look of shock went trough her eyes

'What happened in my house Emma? ' hake questioned with desperation ' we all figured out that your a gang leader' this time it was William who spoke

I took a seat on the bed an but my hands in my hair now or never ' yes I am a gang leader an if you haven't figured it out yet I left you guys for your own protection from them guys that came their dangerous but not as dangerous as me ' I said the last bit in a whisper

'What do you mean dangerous?' Connor asked ' I mean dangerous as in they can kill you all within 5 minutes an make sure your body's are not found for 4 weeks' I said seriously

'But you just said your even more dangerous' this time it was Jordan ' I can do the same and much worse ' I kept a blank look on my face I guess that I really did shock them they all just stared at me no body spoke

' well you guys can sleep I need to do something ' I said in a rush an walked out of the hotel room

'How was it?' Mark asked ' they probably think am a monster ' I said sadly mark put me in a hug ' they don't give them time ' he said I nodded my head ' can you make sure they parents are safe an gone an that another attack doesn't happen am off to sleep' mark nodded 'good night'

An with that I walked off to my own hotel room

William and Jordan are jakes friends an Maria is Emma's bestie just in case you guys forgot

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