chapter 23

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2 weeks had passed an today I was at the where house to see if lorgans men are still stalking my friends I mean ex friends I let out a long sigh as the boys sat around the table

" we have good news " mark said excitedly I smiled at him as a way of telling him to carry on " Lorgans me have stopped stalking them "

" finally I can't risk them because if any of them got hurt people will start dieing " I said staring off into space

" now now has our little Emma got a crush on someone " james said smirking " an who is that someone? " I asked curiously " hmm I was thinking William " Spencer said I was about to say something but got interrupted by harry " no am thinking for of a certain bad boy called jake "

" me having a crush on jake? no way I don't like jake he's just a friend " I say seriously even though I know am lying " so am guessing you don't care that jake an Maria are dating " Zac said casually

" What! " I almost screamed " Maria an fucking jake is this a fucking lie what happened to Connor? " I tried to keep my voice calm but it failed " I don't know they broke up an what happened to not liking him? " Andrew said with a smirk

I was beyond pissed like how the fuck could she do that I mean two fucking weeks ago I told her I liked jake an what does she do date him i could kill someone right now " well guess what? I have a new boyfriend an his name is james " I said looking directly at james

" can I smell jealousy? " james questioned I huffed " well Emma since you asked so nicely I will be your fake boyfriend " he said smirking " an I will be your fake girlfriend " I said " bless you Em your jealous an your trying to make jake jealous by dating james wow what a mouthful " mark said ruffling my hair

oh yh an everything was healing well my cuts were gone but my arm was still broken an also my ribs have helped up nicely apart from I can move to fast or I would just hurt myself

I was now sitting at home bored I still wasn't aloud to train my trainer had banned me saying I will just end up hurting myself an Ben found out what happened an doesn't let me fight ughh I wanted to call maria but I know that would just be totally hopeless I know she won't pick up

~~ then next day ~~

its was now lunch an news had traveled so fast about me an james dating we did a little PDA in the car an he parked at the front an everyone saw an we kissed in the hallways an held hands like normal couples

I saw jake an maria holding hands at the lunch table an clenched my jaw " wow calm down you sending daggers will make people suspicious " james whispers in my ear I stop an see that jake was looking whilst james whispered in my ear

now his jaw was clenched an he was sending daggers to james I just smiled am so evil I thought to myself then all of a sudden I hear Maria sequel " jake stop where eating " she says giggling

I turn around an see that Jakes face is against Maria's neck an Maria was looking at me as soon as she saw me look she turned her head " this is going to be a long day " I say with a huff james an harry just chuckle " I feel like a third wheel " harry said whining

" hahah go talk to someone maybe a girl like I didn't say you can't have a girlfriend " I said smiling he blushed slightly an looked behind me somewhere " harry already has the hots for someone " james said " really omg what are you doing here? go to her or does she have a boyfriend? " I questioned

" no she doesn't but what am I support to say to her? " he questioned " just ask he if you can sit their an then just have a conversation about anything that seems to interest her your hot so it's a bonus " I replied with a wink

an with that he took his lunch an walked off to her " hey am your boyfriend you shouldn't be winking at him " james said with a pout I knew he was joking I leaned over the table an gave him a kiss " better? "

" your good at being a fake girlfriend you have me believing were dating " " I should win an Oscar " I said whilst flipping my hair dramatically he chuckled I turn around to find where harry went he was sat next to a girl with blue hair not the crazy WTF blue hair like elegant blue hair which was cut short an the root were black an went into blue

they were laughing an aww they looked so cute they would make a perfect couple hell yes I need to hook them up I mean its obvious they have the hots for each other

the bell went snapping me out of my daze I quickly put my rubbish away an got up james was smirking at me looking suspicious " you want to make him jealous just play along " he whispered an rushed us out the hall before jake an their gang came out

james pinned me up against a locker an put my hands above my head " don't we make such a cute couple " he says his lips brushing along mine " we sure do" an with that his lips came crashing down onto mine

have I ever told you james was a good kisser but I had no feelings for him he pulled away with a smile on his face " now from the holes he's burning into my head right now am guessing we passed our mission " he says smirking

an pushing away from me an he's right Jake is doing exactly that with Maria staring her mouth open the rest off their group was staring at me an Spencer was trowing me a knowing smirk

an with that I turned around from them an went to our lesson hand in hand

am starting to get to the good bit like I know a chapter I literally have it planned out in my head an let me tell you its going to be dramatic

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