chapter 24

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me an james had been ' dating ' for a week now an I have been getting so many glares from jake well not me james has been glared at

school was over an we were off to the Hospital to get my cast taken off which I can't wait for it has been a pain in the ass but I still can lift anything heavy or train for another two weeks because my arm will be weak an my trainer an bed won't let me heir so mean

" AM FREE " I screamed a bit to loudly as soon as my cast came of an started swinging my arm around the doctor just chuckled " now now let's not get a head of our self's you know the rules " he said " yes yes now let me be free " I said running out of the room

" I hear Jeane's mutter a quick sorry an ran after me " you'll never get me " I screamed an ran faster well that's until I ran into a brick wall knocking myself over hmm that's strange their never been a wall their I hold my nose which is hurting like a bitch

an then I come face to face with the wall Jake ugh omg " Emma " he says before james comes running " got you " he screamed placing his arm around my shoulder not realising jake is their I mean how can't you see him I clear my throat which makes james look up

" its jake right nice to meet you " james says placing a hand out jake just stares at him " your always glaring at me is their a reason why? " james asks omg he's doing this on purpose to make me feel awkward

james then places hi arm around my waist pulling me closer to him which makes jake clench his jaw an send daggers to james " look man your doing it again " someone kill me now " let's go james " I say tugging on his arm

" am coming sweetheart " I scrunched my nose up at the name " jake you okay? " I SK he has been stood their staring at me with his jaw clenched for awhile he just walked off

we get in the car " that was so fucking embarrassing you did it on purpose you know I like him " I said with a pout he just smirked " so theirs this party were going " he says I jut agree " what time you picking me up? " I ask " 8 " he says whilst stopping outside my house

he's just to lazy to wait for my gate to open an also he can't be bothered going all the way to my door step " 8 it is then " I say getting out

~~ at 8 ~~

I was in angelista black wrap front jumpsuit with a golden belt an black shoes I had some other jewellery on too I straightened my hair an seen as though it had different shades of brown it looked good I gave myself a smokey eye because one time Maria forces me to learn a smokey eye just in case I heard the doorbell go of so I rushed down an opened the door

I had told Rachel to go take some time off an gave her a ticket to visit her kid until all this gang business is over I certainly don't want to put her in any danger

I opened the door an their stood james in a black polo shirt an some jeans an my did he look hot " you look... beautiful if you wasn't the gang leader I would totally ditch the party an bang you all night long " I flicked his head " get your head out of the gutter am getting drunk your driving " I say leaving no room for any arguments

" an nor do you have to babysit me have fun but don't get drunk an next party all drive " I say an see a small smile make its way into his lips he nods in agreement

once we arrive the party is in full swing an this place was packed " adios amigo " I say to james walking away from him once were inside I walk straight to the kitchen

~ 20 minutes later ~

I had been in two shot competitions so far an won both an before that I had drank something I got passed I stood up well stumbled up " thanks for the game but I am a winner so never try " I slurr out an walk out of the kitchen

I saw William an went running up to him " William " I screamed an hugged him he was shocked at first then hug back " Emma? " he questioned " I am not drunk I promise " I slurr out he just chuckles " Emma why are you ignoring us? " he asks " oh yh am ignoring you lot shh its for your own safety their are things " I rush out an run off not looking back

I was walking around until I spot jake he wasn't with Maria I walked to him " hey " I said he looked up at me shocked " urm hi? " he says more of a question I stare at him why does he have to be so hot? I thought

" am not really dating james it was to make you jealous because you were dating Maria an I like you an she knows but he doesn't okay let me tell you I like this guy but I can't he's really hot but can be an asshole at times but I can't like him for his own safety " I rambled on not making sense

" are you dating james? " he asks I touch his face " god spent his time an sculpted your face so perfectly " he just let out a chuckle an held my hands " wait am ignoring you I totally forgot " I said walking away only to be grabbed an pulled into his chest I lift my head up

" why are. you ignoring us " he asks I couldn't help it I just crashed my lips onto his he kissed back my hands laced into his hair to play with it " for your own safety " I said whilst pulling away

I had slightly sobered up so I walked away from him an called james to go " I told them I can't talk to them for their own safety " I said in a huff " am going to blow my cover an I didn't see Maria their an I kissed jake " I said " omg does that count as cheating I don't want to be a cheater I mean were fake dating does it make me a cheater? " I quickly ramble out

" no Em your not a cheater idiot " he says laughing silently I just hug him " thanks so much I mean I was not prepared to be a cheater "

hope you all enjoyed that chapter an as always thanks for reading

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