chapter 15

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Maria had dropped me off home an I went in I was walking towards my room until I saw I note " missing us? " it said must be my parents asked Rachel to write it down I took it of my door an scrunched it up an put it in the bin

" Emma could you please go get some eggs " Rachel screamed " am coming " I screamed back an with that I got my car keys an went down " thank you " Rachel said an then turning back to watch her movie I just rolled my eyes " don't roll your eyes at me young lady now chop chop get me eggs " she said with a smile an I headed out I decided on taking my car seen as though I will end up getting more than one thing

I had got my shopping an got eggs an now I had to get home I decided on a shortcut because I wanted to sleep before training an that's when I saw it a car coming my way but it was to late the car jumped forward due to the impact an so did I hitting my head on the air bag my whole body was hurting their is not one place on my body that's not hurting I tried to move but I had no luck it just hurt more I could feel blood dripping down my face an prices of glass from my windows everywhere I fryed to look at the other car but I couldn't see it

ugh I am stupid me picking shortcuts an their were no cars I got my phone out of my pocket an called the first person on my list I haven't got time to be picking people I might die like this the pain ugh " hello Em " jake said trough the phone  " jake " that's all I said until pain shot trough me well my ribs I winced at the pain " ouch fuck " I said with griited teeth " Emma? are you okay  " " jake I have been in a car crash I have no idea what to do an I don't want to die like this " I said trough gritted teeth " what?!! you have been Ina car accident? " he screamed " what Emma she's Ina car accident? " I could hear William an jake " yes now fucking help me " I hissed

I hung up once I realized no one had called the cops or an ambulance forget that no one is here apart from me an the car that crashed into me I dialed 999 an told them what had happened an they told me they were sending help jake had called an I answered it but didn't say anything I was hurting so bad my head I knew I had a few broken bones am surprised I haven't passed out yet " Emma? where are you? " he said worriedly " in the shortcut " that's all I could get out he didn't hang up an I could hear his car " am I dead? " I said " no Em your not your alive look your talking to me an am alive " he said quickly " its going dark " I said feeling dizzzy everything was going black " pass me the phone all talk to her " I heard William say an then heard the phone being passed back " hey Em we are literally around the corner so don't pass out " he said but it was useless

everything went black an I heard some car wheels screeching " oh shit " I heard Jordan mumble an then I heard  car doors being opened " Emma! " Jake screamed that was the last thing I heard before everything went black

I know this is such a short chapter I promise their will be more on the next chapter so what do you think about the story so far? I'd love to know what you guys think about it an as always thanks for reading

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