chapter 14

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store rooms and Tyler

it was Monday which ment school which ment hell I was getting ready I put my hair up in a high pony with a shirt and jeans with my vans I put on some mascara and eyeliner with some nude lipstick I got my leather jacket and my phone and went down Maria was already their eating cereal when she came early to my house she would always eat here because she says she never has time at her own house I eat my cereal an we headed out I was going with Maria today

" I heard you hung out with the boys yesterday " she said " yep I did " " what did you do? " she asked " nothing much but Jordan asked me why I fight " I said she just patted my thigh an changed the subject we made a stop at McDonald's we both got a Mcflurry hell yes ice cream for breakfast even though we had eat we had got to school 10 minutes late an we hadn't finished our ice cream we got out an made our way into school eating our ice cream " why are you girls so late? " asked the maths teacher " we got lost? " I said  " hahha very funny you girls have been here for a week take a seat " she said moodily jeez who pissed in her cereal today

as I was walking I realised jake was sat their smirking at me I grabbed a chair an sat down next to him I glared at him an he just chuckled I just ate my ice cream whilst jake kept poking me " what?! " I screamed finally having enough of him which got the whole classes attention " just wanted to say hi " I just flipped him off " do not use such foul language in my class " the teacher said marching up to me " but I didn't say anything " I said without a smirk " well then don't you dare swear in my class " she said glaring at me I just ate my ice cream " and also bin the ice cream no eating in class " she said I was full anyways I just emptied it out on the floor " oops my hand slipped " their was a massive puddle off ice cream " get out of my class now " she screamed an with that I walked out an sat by some lockers oh yh we still need to get our locker numbers

I got bored so I called Ben " hey Ben how are you? " "am good you? " " am bored " " aren't you supposes to be in class? " " I just got kicked out " " well that explains a lot how did you get kicked out? " " I emptied my ice cream on the floor " he just chuckled  we talked for a bit until he had to go which left me bored again I stood up an looked into the class * look up * I texted Maria an she did I waved she waved back which got Jakes attention an he looked at me " BOOO " someone screamed scaring the shit out of me I just put my hand to my heart an looked up it was William " you idiot I think I had a heart attack " I said with a pant have you ever been scared so bad that your blood runs cold well that what happened to me William just hugged me from the back an dragged me away

" so what are you doing outside your class? " he questioned " I could ask you the same thing " I said with a smirk " but you haven't an I asked you first so tell " " did you see melted ice cream on the floor next to jake yh I emptied my ice cream on the floor " I said an he just chuckled " so why are you out here? " I asked he just swung the toilet pass in front of my face I nodded " well I have to head back see ya later " he said whilst walking " bye " I screamed an I heard him chuckle " Excuse me young lady you are out here for a reason now wait outside quietly " a man with a bold head said narrowing his eyes at me an went off back into a class leaving me bored again

bell went an I was glad I waited outside the door for Maria she came out a we walked to our next lesson that was until a warm arm was across my shoulder pulling me closer to their chest I looked up an saw it was jake smiling down at me I just walked like that my head leaning on his chest an I sighed he smelled like mint we walked into our class like that everyone was staring at us I was being glared at by the girls an everyone else were staring I quickly shrugged his arm of my shoulder an ran to his seat an sat down in it with a smirk playing on my lips the boys just chuckled " Em move that's my space " he whined " nope " I said popping the p " Emma move " no stop disrupting my learning an the learning of everyone else " I said seriously " Emma is right Jake you are disrupting the class please take a seat " the teacher said Jake looked at me I smiled innocently he sat down next to me after telling Jordan to move a space down

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