Chapter 36

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We had got our tents set up well more the boys did it whilst me and Maria were and still are finding logs for the fire 'okay how about we split up and meet over here in 10 an if we're not here wait 5 minutes before walking back okay?' Maria said I agreed we wanted to get out of these woods

I had my barrel full of logs 15 minutes had passed an Maria wasn't their so I made my way back she must have gone before me

Okay now I certainly am lost their was no path too show me where to go an their was no clearings around so o could get out I pulled at my phone it was 8pm shit

I tried calling them but their was no service here I then decided on screaming 'JAKE!' I screamed at the top of my lungs I heard birds fly away oops 'MARIA!' Still no one I walked a but more 'JAKE!' I screamed I checked my phone an still had no service

Okay let's think eventually I had made my way to another camp site which was totally abandoned I quickly called jake he picked up 'where are you?' He screamed down the phone ' I don't know their is another camp site here'i said quietly

My neck was burning from the shouting before 'okay baby girl your not far am coming stay there' an with that he hung up great I heard a noise from the bushes that's it I am not waiting here at all

I stated to walk again 'Emma!' I recognised the voice as jakes 'am here!' I screamed an ran towards the voice that was until I fell flat on my face 'baby girl?' 'Ouch' I moaned

He ran over too me 'am ganna pick you up okay?' He said quietly 'no it's hurts' my body hurt so much an to add the logs from the barrel had fallen on top of me

I felt hands around my waist an he picked me up 'don't stand there like idiot pick up the logs' he said to someone behind me 'where does it hurt?' He asked 'everywhere' I groaned 'shit your bleeding' he said scooping me up an carrying me I wrapped my arms around his neck I looked up an saw William

We walked back in silence 'omg are you okay? I had gone back earlier an I didn't realise' Maria said rushing towards me 'yh am fine' I replied 'we're just going to our tent' jake said am with that he went in he placed me down an inspected me 'are u hurt? Are you bleeding?'

He rolled up my pants an I was bleeding 'it's only a bit calm down' I said moving my leg away from him am not a child I can look after myself  'ugh I told you not to move' he sighed 'can we just be happy? An am sorry' I mumbled he had put a plaster on me
He nodded and crashed his lips onto mine

We all were sat around the fire eating marshmallows 'Em we need to talk' I looked up at Maria 'okay' an we both made our way to her tent 'I brought vodka for us both non for the guys' she said with a smirk she passed me a bottle an took one for herself

'one two three' an with that the bottle was attached to my lips I ignored the way it burned down my neck I put it down an I was half way through 'hell yes I win' Maria squealed an did a happy dance I put the bottle back to my lips tonight's the night I forget everything

I stumbled out the tent with Maria by my side giggling 'shhhh were ninjas remember' I slurred 'oh look it's a hot boy' an with that Maria ran off to him 'were ninjas you can't run away too hot guys' I whispered but she was already there 'babes are you drunk?' The guy questioned 'the hot guy called me babes Emmy' Maria screamed

All eyes were on me wow these guys are hot 'hello my name is Emmy the ninja I come in peace' I said walking towards them 'ohh look it's fire' I quickly ran to it 'it's so pretty' I said in awe 'yep they certainly are drunk' just as I was about to touch it I got scooped back into someone's arms

'How on earth did they get this drunk?' A guy with blue eyes across me asked 'it was Maria' I said truthfully 'hey we're best friends your not supposed to tell them' she said 'did I say Maria? Silly me I meant the vodka got us drunk blame the vodka' I slurred

I got out of the guys lap am went to the one with blue eyes 'you have really pretty eyes' I said trying to touch them but he quickly grabbed my hand 'you can't touch my eyes baby girl' he said with a chuckle 'an why not?' I pouted he pecked my lips

'Maria the hot boy just kissed me' I loudly whispered 'so you find me hot?'he questioned ' yep an you make electricity go trough me when you touch me like now ' I said with a lopsided grin 'wait don't we have boyfriends?!' Maria almost screamed

Hope you all enjoyed that an in a few chapters the story will be ending

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