Chapter 29

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Sleep walking again

I couldn't sleep knowing that they hate me especially jake I admit I like him but Maria's dating him so there goes my chances

Jakes POV

Know that Emma was dangerous didn't scare me it made me wonder why but I knew that she would never hurt us she had even made it an mission to make sure that we were safe an that nothing would happen to us even tough if failed it's the thought that counts she didn't want this to happen after her talk everyone went to their rooms

I was lying awake in bed thinking about what had happened till I heard a noise as if someone had walked into a door my door to be more specific

I got up an the door opened blinding light peaked trough the open door an their she was Emma she just stood their I got out of bed 'Emma?' She had taken a step forward 'Emma' I said a tad bit louder that when her whole body froze

Her face became pale an that's when I realised she was asleep 'i-am so sorry I wasn't trying to escape please don't hurt me please' she pleaded I saw tears run down her cheek I quickly went to the door to close it 'no no pleas don't hurt me please I'll go back to the man I'll let him do what he wants to me' at this point she was crying her body shook

I didn't know what to do I tried guiding her towards my bed so she can sleep 'no no please don't do this I'll go back to the man I'll let him do what he wants to me please don't hurt me' her voice held so much pain

'Emma it's me jake ' I said she then screamed such a piercing scream as if she was being hurt her body shook furiously all of a sudden the lights turned on an Harry an zac ran in with mark they held guns

Mark ran up to her 'Emma Emma what's the matter?' He said holding her face ' she's asleep she walked in like this she's been begging me not to hurt her

Marks shoulders relaxed a bit 'maybe you should go' one of the gang members said ' no he stays here ' mark said the boy nodded

'Please don't hurt me please I'll do anything I'll go back to that man I'll let him to what he wants to me an ill stay quite I'll listen to him please please don't hurt me' Emma screamed her body shook she was crying so much

'W-what's happened to her?' Maria questioned everyone was standing by the door ' Maria i think you should go ' mark said ' no am not going anywhere what's happened to her? '

'She's having flashbacks memories ' he said ' of what?' I questioned mark looked up ' she's been hurt more than you think theirs a reason why she's in this gang she's been scared mentally and physically ' that's all he said

'Has she stopped sir?' A gang member asked mark shook his head 'do you want me to bring her the injection? ' he questioned 'yh make it quick' the guy ran off 'what injection?' I asked

'Emma hates it but it's been a while she's had one of these to be exact it's been two years it just puts her to sleep but she hates the side effects'

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter I want to start introducing what happened in her past

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