chapter 19

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" what? why are they watching me " I asked frustratedly I forgot to mention I am the leader of the third biggest gang here

~~ flash back ~~

we had a gang meeting an the leader wanted to make a speech everyone was saying it was going to be too so why not I took a seat in the warehouse " as you guys know I am a married man I have a beautiful wife an I want to have kids with her now for me to do that I have to leave I have though about this long an hard I want to have an amazing family with the women I love so today I will be leaving but their will be a new leader " he stopped for a break he was smiling straight at me everyone was talking around me but I stayed quite

" the new leader is Emma now before I hear you all whine about it she's knows what were up against an from the moment she joined this gang she has never failed to surprise me an I have been here for half of my life I have seen everything but yet she still manages to surprise me an before all you start saying she's a girl she won't make it I believe she will she's has more power than some of you guys she's not just beauty she has brains she's been an seen it all now have you heard of anyone going trough what she went trough? " he asked I just sat their shocked a chourus of no's went round the room

" no because everyone has just died but she she didn't she's here today an now she will be the leader no now that doesn't mean am going an never looking back if you ever need me for something so important than I will be here thank you everyone " he finished his speech people started clapping I stood up an went to the front an hugged him

after a few days we had decided that I was still learning education wise an that we can have a back up leader someone who does my job but I tell him what to do he tells me an then I have to agree for him to do it an he was Mark

~~ End of flash back ~~

" we don't know yet but he hasn't done anything threatening yet so we can't really do anything just to make you aware " Mark said " okay thanks for letting me know well have a meeting tomorrow I will send you the time " I said " okay bye " I nodded my head they walked of an I went to the bench " what was that all about? " Maria questioned " nothing " I said sitting down in Jakes lap

" let's go eat " I said getting up nobody moved " I wasn't asking you I was telling " I said warningly low everyone got up we all set of to the pizza parlour " Em you okay? " Maria asked " yep am fine why wouldn't I be? " I said with the best smile I could do " oh okay " she replied jake wrapped his arms around me

we had all eat pizza obviously an we were on our way out that's until a man bumped into me " oh sorry sweetheart didn't see you there " he said with a wink I just rolled my eyes an walked off he's obviously one of Lorgan's men " let's just go home my sides and ribs are hurting a lot " I said " okay " Maria said before I knew it I was being carried bridal style by jake " nope that just hurts more " I said reaching my arms to words his neck he then was carrying me like a piggy back but not on his back on his chest my legs rapped around his waist an my arms around his neck

the boys wolf whistled I just put my middle finger up an put my head into Jakes shoulder before they saw my blush but it was to late " is our baby Emma blushing? " William said I looked an saw him smirking " I believe she is " kevin said " don't you look so cute blushing " Adam said " shut up am not blushing " I said which everyone just bursted out laughing " its not funny " I said with a straight face

" an anyways am not blushing am just " I paused for a second " just what? " Maria asked with a knowing smirk " that am cold " I rushed out " are you sure about that Em? " Maria asked I could kill this girl right now " yep am very sure " I said glaring at her " and what did you tell me- " I quickly cut her off " my parents are coming back in 5 weeks " I screamed Maria smirked at me " an what has that got to do with what I was saying " " because you see I erm it erm " I said trying to think of something the boys just started laughing at us

" you guys are bullies " I said which just made them laugh even more I looked away from them an put my head on Jakes shoulder he was smiling " what are you smiling about? " said an he looked at me " Emma remember what I told you? " Mark said appearing out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me " omg couldn't you call or text me not give me a heart attack? " I said turning my head towards his direction " sorry ma'am " he said I cleared my throat " I mean Emma " he quickly said

" now can we have a word please? " he asked I got of jake " did you have a Word before " jake said dragging out word " yes and that is not your concern " he said I smiled at jake an followed Mark " their onto you I saw one of them taking pictures before I left I didn't say anything about it or it would seem suspicious " he said " are you serious are they stalkers now? " i said running a hand trough my hair " i don't know an the meeting I think we should have it today for your safety " he said " okay the meeting will be held today an they don't know about the gang or that am in one so when you see me with them don't call me ma'am an anyways I already told you not to call me that it makes me sound old " I whined " sorry ma'am " he said with a smirk I slapped him

" we'll just have the meeting now do you have your car? " I asked he nodded " okay let me tell these lot " I said pointing towards Maria an walked off " you guys am going with Mark I have to be somewhere " I said everyone said okay but jake just stared at me " yh okay bye " I said in a rush an walked off to words Marks car he opened the door for me an I got in

Jakes POV ~ when mark comes

" Emma remember what I told you? " the guy said for before who is he? " omg couldn't you call or text me not give me a heart attack? " Emma " sorry ma'am " he said ma'am? who says that? she cleared her throat " I mean Emma " he quickly said what was that all about?" now can we have a word please? " he asked " didn't you have a Word before " i said dragging out word " yes and that is not your concern " he said Emma turned towards me an smiled n walked off

" what a dick who is he anyways? " I said " probably her new boyfriend or fuck buddy " Maria said " what?!! " she just smirked an the boys just chuckled she better be joking I looked at Emma she ran a hand trough her hair she only does that when she's frustrated a few minutes later she walked back " you guys am going with mark I have to be somewhere " she said I just stared at her is he really her fuck buddy it is kinda late

" yh okay bye " she rushed out an ran off to his car he opened the door an she got in " Emma has a fuck buddy? " I said slightly angry maria bursted out laughing " am kidding idiot do you really think she would go that low? " " ohh you had lover boy jealous for a few minutes then " Luke said " but imagine if he was " Jordan said an I slapped him the boys just started laughing " your whipped " William said

" no am not " I said " think how amazing she would be in bed " Jordan said before I knew it Maria had him pinned up against the wall " oops forgot you was here " he said " first of all she would never sleep with you an if I ever hear them words again I will hurt you " she said angrily " babe calm down he was kidding " Connor said pulling her away from Jordan " that was not a joke Emma would have already killed him " " babe " Connor said warningly " let's not let to much slip " he said looking at her she walked off " sorry guys " Connor said walking off after her

" that was kind of messed up saying it in front of her bestfriend " I said " I forgot she was here an I didn't know she would go kill mode on me " he said I just tapped his back

how was that chapter? hope you all enjoyed it an as always thanks for reading

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