Chapter 1

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It had been a year since the battle at Hogwarts, and the chance to redo seventh year was finally here. Harry, Ron and Hermione had spent most the holidays by themselves, in their rooms writing letters to one another. To be back together again was a relief.

The train had stopped at the platform and the ecstatic mob of students shoved their way off of the train.

"Mione?" Harry asked his friend with a sigh.

"What is it Harry?" She replied tiredly, before realising her books had fallen on to the floor of their carriage.

Ron and Harry made their way to the door and stood waiting for her.

She glance up at them and smiled."You don't need to wait. I'll catch you up!"

"Are you sure, Mione?" Ron fussed.


"Okay! Okay, you'll catch us up." He mumbled as he and Harry walked away.


After five minutes or so, she finished gathering her books. She stood up slowly and began shoving them into her satchel.

"They aren't supposed to be your main priority, Mudblood!"

She spun round to find Draco Malfoy grinning at her. Hermione couldn't help notice how different Draco looked. He seemed to have altered slightly since she last saw him. He now a very attractive young man, but that still didn't seem to affect his attitude.

She notice the Slytherin staring too, only that wasn't the thing that bothered her. She turned around and glance out of the window, thinking someone outside had caught his attention, but no one was standing there! It suddenly hit her that her childhood enemy was staring at her! The Mudblood.

Desperate to leave Malfoy's presence, Hermione quickly responded to his annoying comment. "Yeah. Well maybe if you weren't so bothered about your reputation, Malfoy. Then..."

She watched the Slytherin's expression return to his usual state, as her words began to register in his head. It didn't take long for him to become offended by what she had said.

"My reputation has nothing to do with this conversation, actually." He spat, looking her up and down before continuing. "So I would think before you speak, you fifthly little Mudblood!"

Hermione's eyes began to sting, as a small feeling of hurt began to tug on her emotions. She had been right; it was only his appearance that had changed.

"How can you stand to be so cruel toward people!" She said breathless, trying not to seem too offended. "No one, not even you, is perfect!"

She watched his eyes widen slightly and he opened his mouth to argue, but he quickly closed it again.

Without waiting to hear his response, the curly haired girl grabbed her satchel, slung it over her shoulder, and stormed out of the compartment, barging straight past the speechless blonde.

As she reached the end of the carriage and was about to exit the train when Draco took hold of her wrist. The sight alone almost made her fall over, but no one would believe her if she told them about the words that left his mouth.

"I'm..." He mumble, his voice trailing off on the last word.

"I didn't catch that last part, Malfoy." She said flatly, not entirely wanting to listen to him.

He rolled his eyes, clearly not wanting to repeat himself. "I said, I'm..."

"Still can't hear you." She huffed as she pulled her wrist free from his grasp and stepped out of the train onto the platform.


She got half way down the path when she heard him following behind her. She spun round and folded her arms over her chest.

"What in Merlin's name do you..." She began only to be cut off by the blonde boy.

"I'm sorry, alright!" He huffed, finally managing to say it so Hermione could hear. "I'm sorry I insulted you. I'm sorry I called you a Mudblood. I'm sorry I let my crazy aunt torture you for lying even though I could tell you weren't."


"No! Let me finish!"


"If you don't let me finish, I might never get the chance to say this again!"

Hermione nodded, curious to see what else he had to say. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm sorry I let my father convince me you were a disgusting and vile creature, even though you're clearly not!" His grey eyes looked directly at Hermione. "Basically, I'm sorry for everything I have ever done to you!"

The two of them stood in silence, neither one sure of what to say. Draco was breathing heavily from all that talking, in fact he was beginning to look quite faint. Finally, Hermione found some words to comprehend what she was thinking.

"You remember all of that?" She asked, slightly shocked at how much he had said.

"Yeah, well. It's difficult not too." He shrugged, before widening his eyes in shock. "And not because I found it memorable."

"Malfoy, how long have you been wanting to say all that?"

"Three, maybe four, years. Why?"

"So why didn't you tell me then?"

"Don't be absurd! Imagine what that would've done to my reputation."

Hermione raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "I thought this wasn't about your..."

"Forget it. Look, can I ask you something?"

"If you really want to." She agreed wearily.

"Can we, I don't know, call a truce or something? You know, and stop all this quarreling."

Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned her head to find Luna standing there with a small grin on her face.

"Oh. Hello Hermione." She greeted in a dreamy state. "Hello Draco."

"Luna! Hey, how's your father?" Hermione asked glancing back a Draco.

"He's doing well. A little traumatised, but I think that's down to the nargles."

"Of course!" Hermione said trying not to sound too sarcastic. "Did you need something, Luna."

"Yes. Professor McGonagall wants to see you." She glanced behind Hermione towards Draco. "Both of you."

And with that the Ravenclaw skipped off back up the path towards the castle, leaving the two of them alone.

Draco coughed, clearing his throat. "Well?"

"Well what?" Hermione asked, as she set off up the path, following Luna.

"The truce."

"Oh. Yes."

"Yes? What do you mean, yes?"

"I mean, yes agree to the truce!"

"Oh right!" Draco chuckled as they continued up the hill towards Hogwarts.

Secretly, Hermione was smiling. She had only been here and hour, if not less, and already things were changing! It was there that she decided that this year, was going to be the best year yet and nothing could ruin it for her.

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