Chapter 2

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That night in the Gryfindor Common room, she sat thinking about the truce she had made with Draco and how Harry and Ron would react if they were to find out. The very thought of it made her stomach churn.

Harry place his hand on her shoulder from behind."What's wrong, Mione?"

"Nothing." She sighed.

"Well, 'nothing' wouldn't cause you to become so quiet." The boy sighed as he took a seat beside her. "Are you feeling alright?"

She sat there for a moment debating on whether or not to tell him about the truce or make a subtle move. She decide to take the more subtle approach.

"Harry, I bumped into Malfoy on the train today, after you and Ron left and it got me thinking about the way we all treat each other. Surely you can forgive him for it, right?"

Harry shot her an uncomfortable glance. "I'm not entirely sure why you're asking me this Mione."

"Well I just thought that, maybe, one day there may come a day when you feel the urge to forgive him for everything he's done."

The Chosen One shuffled uncomfortably in his seat and smiled softly at Hermione. "You know I trust you, right?"

"What does that have to do with any of this?"

"Let me finish, Mione!" He chuckled turning to face her. "If there does come a point when I feel like that, I'll remember this very conversation and that should knock everything back into perspective."


"Mione. Forgiving Malfoy? After everything he said to you? No chance!" Harry scoffed, a small smile crossing his face.

The curly haired girl stood up abruptly, annoyed by her friends response. "You don't know whether he meant half that stuff! For all we know, he could've been pressured into saying all of that!"

"Woah. Mione calm down! If I knew you would get so touch about it, I wouldn't have said anything." He looked up at his friend. "Sit back down, Hermione."

And she did, perhaps Harry had a point; there was no way he and Ron would ever forgive Draco for anything he's done in the past.

Harry placed the back of his hand on her forehead and sighed. "Mione, don't take this the wrong way but, perhaps you should go to bed and get some rest?"

Hermione nodded, too disappointed to say anything. She stood up and muttered good night to Harry before heading upstairs to the girls dorm room.


Meanwhile, Draco was laid in his bed wide awake. He kept thinking about how different Hermione looked this year. She looked so grown up! Her rabbit teeth were no longer in sight, her wild bushy hair was now a bunch tamed curls that hung just below her shoulders.

Whilst thinking about his recent encounter with the girl, something in particular stood out to him. The way he acted around her! Earlier, when she was getting off the train he apologised to her for one thing to begin with, but then that one thing turned into a while recount of everything he has ever done to her!

The thought of it made him smile and it wasn't until a pillow hit him in the face that he returned to his senses.

"Draco, buddy, you're grinning like a frickin' Hufflepuff!" Blaise Zabini chuckled from the bed beside Draco's. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, Blaise. Can't a guy smile without it meaning something?" The blonde boy groaned sarcastically as he sat up and threw the pillow back at his friend.

"Sure you can! If you were gay." Blaise wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "And we both know that ain't happein' any time soon!"

"Okay first, rude to all those gay folk out there. And secondly, what makes you think I couldn't become gay?" Draco was intrigued to hear what his dark skinned friend had to say.

"I never said you couldn't, buddy! But hey, if you do, I'll support you ninety five percent of the way!"

"Ninety five percent? Merlin's beard, Blaise! What would I do without you?"

"Oh hush, you soppy git!" Blaise tossed his pillow back at Draco's face. "Go to sleep."

"I'm keeping this!" Draco gestured to the pillow and laughed as he piled it on top of his other pillow and buried his head in it.

"Fine by me, mate!" Blaise chuckled as he turned out the light. "Theo found that thing in a cubord full of old manky cleaning supplies!"

Draco launched the pillow off his bed and let out a disgusted groan. He heard Blaise chuckle to himself as Draco tried to get comfy under his duvet. He lay there and stared up at the ceiling, until sleep eventually caught up with him.

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