Author's Note

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Hey guys!

I just want to confirm a few things real quick in case you have any questions.

Let's start of with the fact that the chapters are slightly different to the first time you read them (if you've read this more than once)! That's because I have edited them so that they make more sense. I know some chapters have been dramatically changed, but that's a good thing, I suppose, because it means the story will flow a little bit better and tie any loose ends that I might have left.

Secondly, thank you to @zoyaveela who pointed out that while I was editing you couldn't read the book. I didn't know that would happen and I apologise to all those who had to wait before they could actually read this.

And finally, thank you to all 20.2K of you who have stuck with me and have motivated me into writing this may chapters. I never thought I would get this far and thanks to your help I actually achieved something I never thought possible.

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