Chapter 4

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Saturday came really quickly, the weather was cold and rainy, but that didn't stop the school from hosting their weekly visits to Hogsmede village.

Hermione sat down at the Gryfindor table in front of Harry with a sigh. Ron was sat beside her, stuffing his face with food.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, turning his attention away from the Daily Prophet.

"Oh nothing." She look towards the great doors and caught sight of Draco wandering in.

He looked over and saw her staring, smirked the way Draco Malfoy does, and then walked off. She chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Ron scoffed.

Hermione rolled her eyes and picked up Harry's copy of Hogwarts A History and began repeatedly hitting him with the hard-back book. "Will you mind your own business, Ronald!"

Harry had to pry the book from Hermione's grasp before she choked the red haired boy.


They all hurried out into the village as fast as possible. Harry and Ron had gone off ahead of Hermione leaving her to walk by herself. She heard a slight snigger behind her, she turned to find Draco grinning like a village idiot.

"Covered your legs up have we, Granger?"

"Only so you don't walk into and strangers with your mouth open, Malfoy!" She began to walk faster.

He grabbed her shoulder. "Do you think we're convincing everyone?"

"I think so. I mean, I'm convinced." Hermione shrugged as they walked down the path, slowing down so Harry and Ron wouldn't see.

"Yes, but that's because you're the one doing the convincing."

"Yeah I guess..."

"Hermione." Draco said pulling her to one side. "I think it's time to take this to the next level."

"And by that you mean?" Hermione questioned hoping he didn't mean what she thought he meant.

She felt him place his hands on her waist causing her to gasp. She could tell he was grinning, he always did whenever he had this effect on her. For a few moments, everything froze. It felt as if Draco and herself were the only ones there to witness what was happening. However, the moment was quickly ruined when a pair of hands ripped Hermione from Draco's grasp.

"Get your hands off her, Malfoy!" Harry growled as he passed Hermione to Ron.

Draco looked at Hermione with sorrowful eyes, knowing what he was about to say, she nodded in agreement. As soon as the words left his mouth Hermione began wishing for all this pretending to end soon. "Tell your little Mudblood to keep her hands off me and I will!"

Harry glanced at Hermione, who by now was blushing. "What's he talking about?"

"Nothing! He's just being a git. As per usual!" She groaned trying to pull Harry away, but Harry was having none of it.

Draco raised his eyebrows at Hermione, who was just as confused as he was, and braced himself for the worst, but luckily Ginny rushed to his aid.

"Harry come on! Forget about it." Ginny said, looking over at Hermione.

"But..." The Boy Who Lived began only to be silenced by the redhead.

"No buts. Come on, leave Malfoy be!" And with that she dragged both Ron and Harry away from the situation telling Hermione to follow on.

The Gryfindor Princess turned to face the blonde boy. She smiled apologetically at him. "Draco, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. Just go." And with that he turned and walked back up the path towards the school, leaving Hermione standing there alone.


"So go on then! What was Malfoy on about?" Harry hissed.

"Nothing Harry. I already told you, he did nothing!" She replied sharply.

"It didn't look like nothing." Ron mumbled with his face full of food.

"Look, I don't even know what you're making a fuss over." Ginny groaned as they stopped in front of Honeydukes. "It's not like Malfoy punched her."

"I suppose" Harry muttered, finally giving up.

Suddenly, their attention was grabbed by the crowds of students gathering around the entrance to Hogsmede. The four of them wandered over and the girls gasped in shock. Storming down the path, towards Hermione, was Draco Malfoy accompanied by Blaise Zabini and Vincent Crabbe and they did not look happy. Draco, however, had an evil smirk on his pale face which made Hermione dread whatever he was about to do.

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