Chapter 9

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"What did you want you want to talk to me about?" Hermione asked as Draco took a step closer.

"Oh! Yeah, I wanted to tell you something!" The Slytherin exclaimed taking another step closer to the Gryfindor.

"Now that much, I gathered."

"Whatever you do..."

"Don't act rationally? Now where have I heard that before?" Hermione chuckled as she felt Draco's breath on her neck.

"Okay. Here goes nothing!" Draco took a deep breath before continuing. "I..."

Before he had the chance to finish, the doors to the Room of Requirement swung open and Harry and Ginny ran in. Hermione held her breath, and Draco just cursed under his breath. Harry quickly scanned the room for any sign of movement and when he saw who Hermione was with he nudged Ginny causing her to look in that direction too. Even though nothing was happening, the sight alone was enough to cause Harry's older brother instincts kick in. He rushed over to the brunette followed by Ginny who was desperately trying to hold him back. After that, everything happened so fast. Harry grabbed Draco's collar and pulled him away from his friend, ignoring the protests he was receiving from both the girls. Ginny took hold of Harry by his shoulders and begged him to let go of the blonde boy. However, Harry refused to let go.

"Get your hands off me, Potter!" Draco hissed, before throwing Harry into a pile of old and dusty brooms.

"Draco stop!" Hermione cried trying desperately to get his attention.

"Don't you ever touch Hermione again, Malfoy! Do you understand?" Harry yelled as he stood up and launched himself at the blonde boy.

"Harry that's enough!" Ginny yelled helping Hermione grab their attention.

"Look Potter! I'll stay away from Hermione, but only if that's what she wants."

Harry scoffed as he attempted to throw a punch at the Slytherin, only for it to be blocked. Both boys turned their attention to Ginny who was blocking Harry's fist from making contact with Draco's jaw.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" The ginger girl demanded before pointing to Hermione, who had tears streaming down her face. "Look at her! Harry I know you're trying to protect her, but at the moment, all you're doing is hurting her! Both of you are!"

"Of course Malfoy is hurting her! That's what he does!" Harry growled as he shot a glare at the boy stood beside him.

"No!" Hermione exclaimed, her voice shaky from all the crying. "Draco hasn't hurt me in any way since returning to Hogwarts!"

"I don't believe that for one second. Do you, Gin?"

"Well..." Ginny sighed trying to decipher how she really felt about the whole thing. "I... I don't know."

"You've got to be kidding me." Harry groaned as he threw his hands up in frustration. "This is Malfoy we're talking about! Malfoy!"

"I know that!" Ginny argued as she moved over to comfort Hermione. "But normally if Malfoy does or says anything to her, she tells me. And so far, she hasn't said anything."

"Are you sure you didn't just stop listening, Gin?"


"Sorry, Ginny. But there's no way I'm letting this happen!" Harry pointed to Hermione and then Draco. "Over my dead body!"

"Enough!" Hermione yelled causing Harry to finally shut up. "I don't care whether or not you like this or not! Quite frankly, it's like Draco said: if I wanted him to stay away, I would've said so!"

"Draco?" Harry questioned with his annoyance becoming evident. "You're on a first name basis? With that!"

"Yes! I am alright!" Hermione felt a sudden pang of guilt as next sentence left her mouth. "If you were really my friend, you'd be able to look past this and stop shouting at each other."

"Oh Hermione!" Ginny gasped as she wrapped her friend in a heart-warming hug. "Of course we can look past this, can't we Harry?"

"But..." Harry began to protest but quickly stopped himself from doing so as Ginny shot him a deadly glare. "I guess so."

Hermione allowed a smile to creep onto her face as she and Ginny walked over to Harry and Draco. She could tell the blonde boy was relieved, even if he didn't show it. Ginny held her hand out to the Slytherin boy, ignoring Harry's protests.

"Thank you." She said as Draco shook her hand. "For not hurting my best friend."

"Anytime." Draco chuckled as Harry continued to whine on about his reasons for hating Draco.

"Oh hush!" And with that the red haired girl dragged the Boy Who Lived out of the Room of Requirement leaving Hermione and Draco alone.

"I suppose I had better go." Hermione sighed as she turned to leave.

"See you later." Draco called as he watched her leave the room, closing the door behind her.

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