Chapter 20

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"Ronald Billius Weasley!" The voice screamed.

"You didn't!" Ron hissed.

"Oh, but I did!" Came Ginny's reply.

Hermione struggled in Draco arms as she tried to see what was going on. Astoria kept telling her to hold still, but she just wouldn't listen. Draco allowed her to turn around so she could see what was happening.

Everyone seemed to be focused on the entrance to the Great Hall. Hermione caught sight of Luna and Neville attempting to calm Ginny. Blaise and Theo stood beside the three of them, watching as things took a turn for the better.

Harry came running up to her, throwing his arms round her neck, causing Draco to move his arm from her waist.

"'Mione, that has to be the stupidest thing you've ever done." Harry warned, releasing her from his arms.

She lightly chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't."

She continued to scan the hall, until a familiar individual came into view. Mrs. Weasley stood at the front of the Hall, with a disproving expression on her face. Her presence shocked Hermione. Infact, the brunette was so shocked by the woman, she didn't even notice Draco's arms slowly snaking around her waist once again.

He tugged her arm gently, causing her to tear her eyes away from the woman.

"What's wrong?" The blonde boy  asked.

"N- nothing. It's just - nothing." Hermione sighed.

"Nothing, huh?"

"My head hurts - and I feel dizzy."

"Well, that's the one thing I can't fix. Dizziness."

The two of them chuckled, and silence filled the room once more. Ron let out a loud cry of pain as Mrs. Weasley took a hold of his ear and dragged him from the Hall.

"How dare you treat a girl that way, Ronald! How dare you!" Molly screeched at her son, as he continued to whimper in fear. "God forbid what was going through your head!"

"Mum, I- I can..." Ron whimpered, but failed to make his point.

"Never in my life have I been so appalled by your behavior, Ronald! Never! And to think you would even consider hurting a girl like that - let  alone, Hermione!"

"Mum, j- just let me..."

"We are talking about the girl who has looked out for you since the pair of you were eleven! Seven years, Ronald! And this is how you repay her?!"

Another cry of pain echoed throughout the castle as the sound of Molly's hand slapping her son's face became evident.

"You will go in there and apologise to that poor girl, Ronald." Molly instructed. "Do you hear me?"

"B- but she betrayed me!" Ron whined, as another cry of pain followed his protest.

"You're a stubborn boy, Ronald Weasley. A stubborn child!"

A few seconds later, Molly came back into the Hall, alone. She headed straight for Harry and Hermione, smiling sympathetically at the both of them.

Molly, being Molly, pulled the curly haired witch into a warm hug. "Hermione, dear. I'm so sorry for my Ronald's behaviour."

"Honestly, Mrs. Weasley; I'm fine. At least, I am now." Hermione smiled.

Mrs .Weasley pulled out of the hug and let out a small gasp of horror, causing tears to begin streaming down her cheeks. "Hermione, did he do this?"

The Gryfindor Princess didn't have the heart to tell Molly, let alone the words. She was too scared of making things worst.

However, she managed to nod in response to Molly's question and allowed the tears to begin streaming  down her own cheeks. Draco, who hadn't left her side, tightened his grip reassuringly on Hermione's waist.

Molly, who had been watch the pair intently for the last couple of seconds, nodded thankfully towards Hermione before returning to the corridor, where she had left Ron.

There was a moment of silence before a  loud slap followed by a squeal rang through the Hall. One thing was certain, Ron had taken it too far this time!

"Ow!" Ronald whined from the in the corridor.

"Ow?!" Mrs. Weasley questioned sarcastically. "Is that all you have say, Ronald? Ow?!"

"M- mum..."

"You have a nerve, Ronald Weasley - and a bloody big one too. How do you think Hermione felt, eh? If you think me slapping you is enough to make you say 'ow', Ronald, then what on earth do you think poor Hermione felt?!"

"'Poor Hermione?' There's no need to feel sorry for her, mum! She hit me!" Ron scoffed, his voice wavering ever so slightly.

"And with good reason, I'm sure! Ronald, do you think Hermione whined about having a nasty gnash on her temple? No!" She persisted, trying to stress her point. Molly's voice became calmer as continued. "Ronald stop fighting for her. Hermione doesn't want you! And with good reason too."

"But I - I don't understand. I love her, mum. I really do!"

"Enough, Ronald! You loved her - a lifetime ago. Can't you see the pain you're putting that poor girl through?"

"No! There is no pain! She loves me!" Ron argued, clearly not wanting to agree.

"She did love you, but that was before you broke her heart." Molly said calmly.

"But I don't..."

"Before you cheated on her with that ditsy bitch! Before you became, well, this!"

There was another yelp as the red haired boy was grabbed by his ear and dragged into the Hall. Molly released him, allowing him to stand up straight and face the brunette.

He stood there for a while, staring at Hermione, never once acknowledging  Draco, who found the red head's attempt at holding a grudge rather amusing.

He felt Hermione stiffen in his arms as Ron continued to stare, Draco simply chuckled to himself before planting a delicate kiss the top of her head.

"That's my girlfriend you bloody moron!" Ron screamed as he lunged forwards, ready to throttle the blonde boy. However, Mrs. Weasley took a hold of her son's ear once more, causing him to yelp.

"Ronald Weasley, you will apologise to Hermione right this instant." Her voice sounded coarse from all the crying.

But Ron shook his head violently. "For what!? I didn't do anything!" He turned to face The Boy Who Lived. "Harry back me up, mate."

Harry looked just about ready to trow himself at the red haired boy. "No, Ron. Don't you ever call me 'mate' again. Hermione is like my sister and you hurt her. You lost my friendship the moment your fist made contact with her face. Kind of like this..."

The dark haired boy swung his fist at Ron's face and knocked the red head onto the floor, whining in pain. Harry simply wandered over to his ex best friend and watched as he squirmed around the floor in pain.

"Leave me and 'Mione alone!" Harry warned as he made his way over to where Hermione, Draco and Astoria were standing.

He and Draco exchanged glances, as Draco passed Hermione to Harry, who  hugged her tightly.

Slowly, the Slytherin Prince made his way over to where Ron was regaining his balance. The red haired boy looked up and almost fell over again.

Now it was Draco's turn.

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