Chapter 35

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The blonde haired boy stopped in his tracks, his good mood immediately swept away. Before he had chance to turn round, Draco was grabbed by the shoulders and shoved up against a wall.

"Potter, I'm glad to see you're happy to see me." The Slytherin Prince smirked before Harry's fist connected with his jaw.

"I should've known better." Harry spat, letting go of Draco. "You tired to kill Hermione!"

"Who, me?" The blonde boy frowned, slapping a hand to his chest. "I would never. Granger is, after all, my 'girlfriend'."

Harry's fist, once again, connected with Draco's jaw before pulling out his wand. He stood over the blonde boy, his wand pointing down at him as he tried to will himself to walk away.

"Harry!" Blaise came rushing over, causing the dark haired boy to sigh in relief.

"What are you doing here, Blaise?" The Boy Who Lived asked, trying to hide the fact he was relieved. "I thought you said you'd stay with..."

"Hermione sent me." The Slytherin boy stated, edging closer to Harry. "She told me to make sure you didn't hurt Draco."

"Oh, well isn't Granger nice." The Broken Boy mumbled as he got to his feet. "And you can tell Granger that I've no idea what you lot are going on about. I haven't been anywhere near it."

"It?" Harry repeated, lowering his wand.

"The Mudblood, I mean." Draco shuddered in plain disgust. "Although, I can't say I'm pleased that I didn't think of it first."

Harry raised his wand again instantly. "Watch it! I don't particularly think Hermione is sure what she wants right now... perhaps the reassurance that you've learnt your lesson might be useful, huh?"

"Harry, maybe you should..." Blaise began, raising both hands to exaggerate the fact he was unarmed as he moved closer to the two boys.

"Blaise." The dark haired boy kept his eyes trained on Draco while he warned the other boy.

"Merlin, Potter!" A strand of Draco's once platinum blonde hair fell in his face, matted with blood, as he shook his head with a smirk. "Had I known you enjoyed looking at me this much I would've taken my clothes off before leaving the Hospital Wing."

Blaise scrunched up his nose at the thought. "First of all; Yuck! And second; Harry would never do that to 'Mione."

Harry turned to look at the dark skinned boy with a look of pure disbelief. "Blaise, I wouldn't do it to myself, let alone 'Mione."

"Oh." The Slytherin boy pulled a beaming smile onto his face. "Proceed, fair knights!"

"Look, Potter, I know I can be... difficult. Honest!" The Broken Boy sighed inwardly, clearly growing tired. "But at no point would I try to murder Hermione!"

"Wait, what?" Harry doubled over in shock.

"I would never try to murder Hermione."

"My ship!" Blaise gasped in excitement as he spun in a circle like a ballerina, perhaps not as graceful.

"Draco?" A small, fragile voice questioned as the figure of another student approached.

Draco's face lit up. "H- Hermione?"

The brunette emerged from the shadows, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks as her gaze fixed on the blonde boy. Her breath was ragged, as though she'd been crying for a while and it pained the Slytherin Prince to see her this way.

"Your neck..." His voice trailed off as he took several steps closer to her. "Did I...?"

Hermione stood for a moment, studying his face thoroughly; Draco began to panic that she'd hate him, but after a moment she shook her head slowly and within seconds her arms were around his neck, her head buried in the crook of his neck.

"Draco, you're..." The Gryfindor Princess sobbed into his shirt as he tightened his grip on her waist.

"Hush, it's alright." He soothed her, not that it did much good. "I'm here. I'm me."

"MY SHIP SAILS ON!" Blaise exclaimed suddenly, startling everyone unintentionally.

Harry went to stand beside the Slytherin boy, who was now staring oogly-eyed at the couple as they were emotionally reunited as themselves, and put and arm round his shoulders.

"I have to hand it to you, Blaise." The Boy Who Lived smiled. "You are an excellent captain! So much so, I think I might just climb abord."

Blaise turned to face Harry. "Really?"

Harry nodded. "Really."

Blaise's face lit up like a thousand fireflies swarming in all at once, his dark eyes twinkled with excitement as he took in the reality of it all. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, was now a shipper of Dramione!

Hey Guys!

Sorry for such a long wait, I hope it was worth it! I can only apologise for my absence during the holidays, I had been very busy with a bunch of family events and stuff.

I can't wait to start the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy the wait...

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