Chapter 6

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The day before the mascarade ball arrived and students were running around like rabid pack animals. Hermione and Ginny decided to go into Hogsmede in search for a dress to wear. They had been to three dress shops so far and none of them had the dresses the girls had in mind. They were in the fourth shop, Ginny was helping Hermione find something for her, before finding something for herself. The brunette pulled a low-cut, knee length dress off the rail and caused her red haired friend to frown in confusion.

"Gin? What's wrong?" Hermione asked as she put the dress back on the rail.

"Mione. This is the sixth green dress you've shown me in the space of ten minutes!" Ginny said with a hint of humour in her voice.

"I know. But what's the problem?"

"It just seems odd, that's all."

Hermione laughed. "It's called trickery, if I wear green everyone will start thinking I'm in Slytherin."

Ginny smiled. "As long as you're not trying to tell me something."

The two of them broke into a fit of laughter as Ginny pulled the knee length dress of the rail again and handed it to Hermione. "Try it on."

"I thought you didn't like the green idea." The brunette asked cocking her head to one side.

"I don't care! It will look good on you." And with that she ushered Hermione into the changing room.


Later that afternoon Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were all sat down by the lake on Ginny's request. She had requested that they spend some time together due to how much arguing they'd been doing.

"Harry don't look so uncomfortable." Ginny giggled.

"I think he likes you, Gin!" Hermione laughed.

"Hermione!" Harry whined, turning bright red.

"Aw! Harry I think it's sweet that you like me." Ginny cuddled into Harry's chest.

"Ewwwwwwww!" Ron gagged as he pretended to throw up.

Ginny nudged Hermione and pointed to something behind her causing the brunette to look in the direction the red head had pointed. Hermione almost choked at the sight, she hadn't expected to see him all day. In all truth, she had been avoiding him since the incident the other night. Hermione had told Ginny about that incident and she was very understanding.

"What does he want?" Ginny whispered to Hermione as Draco walked over to the four of them.

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know."

By the time Draco had reached The four of them, Ron and Harry had already seen him and were ready to tell him to back off.

"Miss. Granger." Draco stepped forward holding out his hand. "I believe I owe you an apology."

"There's really no need for that, Mr. Malfoy." Hermione said warily trying to suppress her laughter.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked. She felt his hands snake around her waist, causing her to nudge him in the ribs.

"Take your hands off my waist and then maybe you can."

Ron stood up and marched over to them. "Mione! What are you doing?!"

"It's called: Forgive and forget, Ronald!"

"The girl has a point."

"Oh shut up, Malfoy!" Harry scowled.

"Honestly, boys! Leave them be!" Ginny sighed with a huge grin on her face. "Hermione knows what she's doing!"

"You've got to be kidding!" They boys said in unison.

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