Chapter 3

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Hey Guys!

So I've been going through and editing everything. I was reading the comments and one or two people have pointed out that you can't use muggle devices in Hogwarts - and I know you can't use those things in Hogwarts, but I put it in to help move the story along.


The next day was a Saturday, Hermione was sat on her bed in the girls dorm signing onto the chatroom.

Hermione Granger signed in.

Draco: Hey Granger!

Hermione: Hi Malfoy.

Draco: What are you doing?

Hermione: Nothing much.

Draco noticed the notification that appeared on his screen.

Hermione Granger has changed her picture.

Draco looked at the photo of Hermione in a small blue vest top and very short shorts. He was in awe.

Draco: Cool photo

Hermione: Thanks Malfoy.

Harry Potter signed in.

Harry: Hey Mione?

Hermione: Yeah?

Harry: You weren't being serious last night were you?

Hermione: About what?

Harry: You know. The whole Draco thing.

Draco: What "Draco thing"?

Hermione: Oh nothing, Malfoy.

Hermione: Will explain in a minute.

Hermione sat on her bed confused as to why Harry would bring it up again. She waited for a Harry to sign out before explaining herself.

Draco: Well?

Hermione: Last night I asked Harry whether he'd ever consider calling a truce.

Draco: A truce? With me? Aren't you supposed to be the Brightest Witch of our year?

Hermione: Hilarious. But I guess you could say he gave the expected answer.

Draco: Which was?

Hermione: No.

Draco: Ah well. Never mind, eh?

Hermione: But you don't understand!

Draco: I'm pretty sure I do.

Hermione: Look, Malfoy. It's important to me that my friends are happy! I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt them.

Draco: Woah. Deep.

Hermione: Draco, please, I'm begging you. Don't say anything that could jeopardise my friendship with them.

Draco: I swear. My lips are sealed.

Hermione: Thank you. I have to go, Draco.

Hermione Granger signed out.

Hermione shut down her laptop and placed it on the bed in front of her. She climbed under the duvet and closed her eyes allowing sleep to consume her.

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