Chapter 11

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Draco stared down at Hermione, willing himself to follow through with his plan and attempting to ignore Pansy's constant whining. Eventually, Pansy said something the tipped Draco over the edge.

"Go on Drakie. Kill the stupid Mudblood!" She whined childishly as she stomped her feet on the floor causing Draco to shoot a deadly glare at the Slytherin girl.

"Don't call her that!" He yelled, as rage began to grow inside of him causing Pansy to widened her eyes in shock as the entire hall began gasping.

"Drakie, you call her that! That's what you have always called her. It's what she is!"

"Not anymore, Pansy!" Draco couldn't stand to listen to her anymore, he aimed his wand at Pansy and sent her flying into a wall.

He shoved his wand back into his robe and bent down to help Hermione. "Are you alright, Mione?"

The brunette nodded with a smile on her face. "I'm fine. A little sore, but fine. Draco?"


"Why did you do that? Why didn't you just do as she said?" She asked between breaths. "Why didn't you just torture me, for being a Mud..."

"Don't call yourself that!" He pleaded, as he helped her up onto her feet. She looked at him with her brown eyes, before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, which he returned.

"Thank you!" He whispered into her ear as he felt her frown into the hug.

"For what?" She chuckled in confusion.

"For being my friend."


As the two of them pulled out of the hug, the entire room erupted in an applause causing Hermione's face to flush with embarrassment. As she sat returned to her seat, Hermione couldn't help but laugh at Ginny, who was grinning from ear to ear, and Harry, who sat there with his mouth open and eyes almost popping out of his head.

"I told you so!" Ginny giggled as she pushed Harry's mouth closed.

"Told him what?" Hermione asked as she rubbed the side of her head where Pansy grabbed her hair.

"That Draco wouldn't do anything to hurt you!"

Hermione blushed and before she had anytime to respond to the previous statement, Ginny returned to the subject they were discussing before the chaos happened.

"So? Do you?" Ginny asked.

"Do I what?" The curly haired girl questioned.

"Do you like Malfoy?"

"I...I'm not sure." Hermione sighed as she took a sip from her cup.

"Mione!" Someone called out from the other end of the room.

When Hermione turned to see who had shouted her, she was not prepared for the sight that greeted her. Three Slytherin students were running towards her. She recognised the girl as Astoria Greengrass, her partner in Muggle Studies. They had become pretty close friends in the space of two weeks. There were two boys behind Astoria, she knew one of them was Blaise Zabini after seeing him several times hanging around with Draco. However, the brunette had no luck identifying the other boy with them. As soon as they reached the Gryfindor table, Astoria threw her arms round Hermione pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry about Pansy, Mione!" She gasped, pulling out of the hug.

"Thanks Astoria! But its fine really. I know how much of a bitch she can be!" Hermione laughed.

"Astoria, you're right! They would make a cute couple!" Blaise practically squealed causing Hermione to stare in confusion at both Astoria and Blaise until the other boy spoke up.

"I'm Theodore." He reach out and shook hands with Hermione as he continued to speak. "They think that you and Draco would make a great couple!"

"Oh sweet Merlin, I totally agree!" Ginny laughed causing Hermione to blush again.

Blaise, Astoria and Ginny were all practically fangirling over the thought of Draco and Hermione as a couple while Theodore and Hermione stood in confusion. It wasn't until Blaise let out a girly squeal that Hermione felt someone's arm snake round her waist.

"Are they bothering you, gorgeous?" A familiar voice asked as he kissed the top of Hermione's head causing all three of the fan girls to start screaming.

"Dramione is happening!" They squealed in unison causing Seamus spit his pumpkin juice out and burst into a fit of laughter and almost rolling around the floor in tears.

Hermione felt herself blush even more as Draco skimmed his hand across her own and enclose it tightly in his. Seamus and Theodore stared in disbelief, jaws hanging agape and eyes popping out of their heads while Ginny, Astoria and Blaise, who had stopped acting like children, were watching intently desperate to see what would happen next. Draco picked Hermione up off the bench and turned her around to face him. She turned her attention to the stone floor as she felt her emotions begin to rise up in her body. The blonde boy placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head up so she could see him and smiled weakly at her.

"Mione, I'm sorry." He sighed as he pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear. "I know you're not going to like this, but..."

"What?" She asked quietly.

"I need you to play along with something."

She pulled back a tiny bit, and stared at the blonde, confused. "What? Like, now?"

Draco nodded causing Hermione to sigh and mutter a reluctant "okay" as he prepared to follow through with their little agreement. Draco raised his fist and threw a punch at Hermione's face and watched as she fell to the floor crying out in pain.

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