Chapter 7

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The day of the ball came, excitement was running high all throughout the school. Harry had been bugging Hermione all day about what dress Ginny was going to be wearing, she managed to hold it in all day until dinner. Before Ginny came down to dinner that night Harry tried to convince Hermione into telling him what Ginny's dress looked like.

"You're going to tell me anyway, aren't you?" Harry chuckled, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"You better swear you won't say anything!" Hermione pleaded.

"My lips are sealed, Mione. Now spill!"

"Purple silk, floor length ballroom gown."

Harry looked doubtfully at his friend. "Are you kidding? Give me more detail, Mione."

"That's all I know myself. She wouldn't let me see! I'm telling you what she told me."

"Well for Ginny, that's pretty vague." Harry sighed, resting his head in his hands.

"You don't think I noticed that?" Hermione chuckled, as the Ginny joined them at the table.

"Noticed what?" The redhead asked as she began to fill her plate.

"Nothing." They both murmured.

Harry poured himself another pumpkin juice while Ginny playfully teased him about not knowing what her dress looked like. Ginny turned to Hermione and giggled.

"Ronald has been pestering me all day about your dress. You have no idea how annoying he is!" Ginny groaned as she placed a slice of ham in her mouth.

"I have some idea." Hermione laughed as she directed her attention to the Slytherin table.

She scanned the faces of the students looking for a particular blonde, but there was no sign of Draco. She sighed and turned her attention back to Harry and Ginny who both had questionable expressions on their faces.

"I was looking Ronald." Hermione sighed as she shoved a book in her bag.

"Well you're going to struggle seeing as he's not a Slytherin." Ginny giggled as she jabbed her fork into a slice of beef.

"Mione are you feeling alright?" Harry asked as he jokingly reached across the table and placed his hand on her forehead.

"I'm fine!" She huffed as she brushed Harry's hand away. "I'm just nervous that's all."

"Because of a dance?"

"Aren't you?" Ginny asked turning to face Harry. "I mean, you don't know who you might end up dancing with."

"I'm sure Harry has it all sussed out." Hermione said as she got up and left the Hall.


Later that day, the girls were getting ready for the ball. They had waited all day to finally wear their dresses and now they couldn't contain their excitement.

"Before I came down, Harry asked you what I'd be wearing, didn't he?"Ginny giggled.

"Yes he did. But that doesn't mean I told him the truth now, does it?" Hermione chuckled as Ginny pulled a pale blue, knee length dress out of the wardrobe.

"I should hope you didn't." Ginny paused. "What did you tell him I'd be wearing?"

"I think I said a purple silk, floor length ballroom gown."

"Oh Hermione! You're going to be so dead."

"What? Why?" The brunette questioned suddenly intrigued.

"Because if my information is correct, and it usually is, I believe that is what Pansy Parkinson is wearing!" Ginny squealed unable to contain her laughter.

At first, Hermione was horrified by the thought, but as soon as Ginny started laughing she couldn't contain herself. The two of them stood there, laughing at the thought of Harry dancing with the pug-faced bitch.


After the laughing session the girls managed to change, do their hair and get themselves onto the Quidditch Field for the allocated time. Everyone looked stunning, even if they couldn't tell who was who. The boys were all in a suit and tie and the girls wore dresses of all different colours and lengths. Ginny glanced over at Hermione and gasped in excitement.

"As much as it kills me to say so; green really is your colour, Mione!"

"You think so?" The curly haired witch asked lightly pulling on the skirt.

"I know so."

The music began and everyone began dancing. Ginny and Hermione watched as a girl in a purple silk dress was whisked off her feet by someone they presumed was Harry. It wasn't long before Ginny was asked to dance and left Hermione standing alone, behind the crowds which had begun to form in front of her. Suddenly, she was knocked over by a tall boy with light-brown hair and grey eyes. He gasped in shock and quickly helped her onto her feet.

"Sorry I didn't see you there." He sighed as he brushed the creases out of his blazer.

"Of course you didn't! I mean, how could you have done when you weren't watching what was in front of you?!" She joked sarcastically.

A smirk appeared on the boy's face as he continued to speak. "Actually, I suppose you could help me? I'm looking for someone with beautiful brown eyes she could possibly be wearing a red dress, due to the house she's in."

It didn't take long for Hermione realise that the boy's hair colour was in fact fake. She could recognise that smirk anywhere. It was Draco Malfoy! The curly haired girl smiled and shook her head, with no intention of giving in so easily.

"No, unfortunately I haven't seen anyone that matches your description, but if I do - I'll try to warn her your searching for her and that she should run as far away as possible!" And with that she brushed past him and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Draco with his mouth hanging open as he realised who he had just spoken to.


A while later, Hermione was sat at a table with Ginny discussing what she had just done and how funny the look on Draco's face was when he finally realised who she was.

"Honestly, Gin. He must really be trying to get rid of Pansy." Hermione laughed.

"What makes you so sure of that?" Ginny questioned taking a sip of her drink.

"He died his hair brown!"

"Really! I don't believe you!" Ginny gasped as her eyes locked on something behind the curly haired witch. "Okay now I believe you."

Before Hermione could answer someone stood in front of her and held out their hand. When she turned to see who it was, Hermione couldn't help but smile.

"Because I have absolutely no one else to dance with." The tall boy sighed in a reluctant way. "Would you like to dance?"

"Since you went out of your way to ask me, I suppose I would." She grinned, trying her best to hide the fact she was enjoying every minute of this. Besides, it's not every day you get asked to dance by Draco Malfoy.

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