Chapter 17

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Hermione sat on her bed, staring into space. She had tried reading to take her mind off everything, but she couldn't focus! She knew Ginny would be able to tell she was lying, but that was the least of her concerns.

There was a small knock on the door as it was pushed open. Ginny and Astoria entered with concerned looks on their faces. They wandered over the the bed and sat either side of Hermione. Astoria pulled her brunette friend into a hug.

"Hermione, what's bothering you?" Ginny asked with a frown, but their curly haired friend stayed quiet.

Astoria decided to try again. "Mione, what's wrong? We're not going to say anything to the boys, you know that."

But no matter what the girls tried, Hermione still refused to speak. They tried getting her to write down her problem, but that only resulted in an odd glance from the brunette.

After ten minutes or so, there was small knock at the bedroom door, Ginny called them in and the door swung open to reveal Harry and Draco, looking awfully concerned for their curly haired friend. The boys took a seat on either side of the bed and gave Astoria and Ginny puzzled glances.

They all ended up sitting in silence for a while. Harry eventually opened his mouth to say something, but he could get the words out, Hermione cut him short.  

"It's not that I don't like the idea of a truce." The brunette began. "But I can't help feeling that you're only calling it for my sake."

Harry shrugged. "So what if we are?"

"It's not fair on you two!" Hermione turned to face her dark haired friend. "Because then you'll be forced to speak to each other even though you despise one another."

"Woah! Mione, they decided this on their own." Ginny assured her intelligent friend. "Me, Blaise and Astoria thought it was odd at first..."

"But then we realised that they were ready to put the past behind them." Astoria concluded with a small smile.

Hermione looked doubtfully at the four of them and shook her head slightly. "I don't know. It all just seems a bit out of character."

Draco raised his eyebrows. "Out of character?"

"Yes. It just feels as though one of you is..."

"Plotting a something?" Harry finished, not quite sure of where she was going with this.

However, he must've got the right answer, because Hermione nodded in response and muttered "Yeah".

It took a few moments for someone to find something else to say, but once again, as soon as they opened their mouth, Hermione had beaten them to it.

"It just seems odd that after all those years you spent being horrible to each other - I thought it would be a decision you'd have to sleep on! Not decide to call a truce in the space of two minutes!" She sighed and put her head in her hands.

"You know, I don't blame you for feeling like this, 'Mione." Harry said as he tried to comfort his friend. "It was a quick decision."

"Although, technically speaking, you was there when it happened." Ginny shrugged with a smile.

"What?" The brunette frowned as she sat up straighter. "When did you call it?"

"Last night." Astoria answered.

"When you were asleep." Harry added.

"So you probably didn't hear it happen." Ginny chuckled, which caused Hermione to smile.

"Granger?" Draco said, earning an uneasy look from Hermione, who looked as though she was about to protest to being called that.

"Yes, Malfoy?" She chuckled, causing him to smirk.

"Do you doubt this truce, because I agreed so willingly?"

"Perhaps." She shrugged after a pause, which caused Draco's smirk to become more evident.

"Tell me, did your parents ever tell you that bad boys shouldn't be trusted?"

Hermione shook her head and smiled. "Not all Slytherins are bad, Draco."

"Prove it."

"Well, considering I know three Slytherins who are yet to harm me in any way - I'd say I have plenty of proof."

Draco rolled his eyes as he slid his arms around her waist, pulling Hermione towards him, their lips meeting almost instantly.

However, despite everything that had been said, Hermione was still convinced that there was a much bigger reason as to why they called a truce - she just wasn't sure what.


Once again, I know it's a short chapter, but I promise there's a reason behind it. You guys are awesome! You have been so supportive of this book so far and I can't thank you enough!

Let me know in the comments whether you think Draco and Harry have a bigger reason as to why they called a truce. Could it really be for Hermione's sake?

Sorry for the long wait.

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