Chapter 18

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It had been several days since Hermione's recovery, but Madame Pompfry insisted that she took the rest of the week off, just in case she wasn't entirely recovered.

Since recovering, Hermione had told everyone that she didn't need to be taken care of and had insisted that they spend some time to themselves.

Draco was sat in the Slytherin Common Room writing a letter to his mother, Narcissa Malfoy, as she was the only person, besides Hermione, that Draco thought he could trust.

Dear Mother,

I'm writing to confess to something that I never thought possible, especially after everything father had said! I can't imagine how you'll react when you read this, but I'm sure you won't be particularly impressed with me.

It's Granger. Mother, I am slowly falling for Granger! I suppose it's a good thing, because it means that I'll be able to start my own life with her, hopefully. But, you see Mother, when I'm around her, I feel like myself again - you know, before all the Death Eater stuff.

I know that you're probably not impressed with my choice, but I beg of you - please do not write to father. His reaction is the one that scares me the most, as I can imagine it quite clearly.

Yours Draco.

He folded the letter in half and slid it inside the envelope, before heading up to the Owlery, praying that his mother would be understanding towards his feelings.


Hermione made her way from the Library to the Great Hall, keeping an eye out for Ginny as they had arranged to walk to dinner together. But by the time Hermione got the Common Room, her red haired friend was nowhere to be seen. So the brunette made her way back downstairs to the Great Hall alone, knowing Ginny had most likely forgotten.

"What's got your wand in a knot, 'Mione?" Harry asked as his curly haired friend sat down opposite him.

Hermione turned to face Ginny, who was sitting beside Harry, and raised her eyebrows expectantly. "Well?"

"Well what?" Ginny shrugged, filling her cup with pumpkin juice and taking a sip.

"You were supposed to meet me at the Common Room."

The red haired girl almost choked on her drink as the realisation hit her. "Today?"

"Today, Gin."

"I'm sorry, 'Mione. I completely forgot."

"It's fine." Was all the brunette said, she was growing slightly annoyed at the fact that this was the third time Ginny had conveniently forgotten to meet her.

"Hermione, I really am sorry."

"I said it was fine, Gin." Hermione growled, causing Harry to frown.

"Hermione? Are you sure you're alright?" Harry persisted, knowing that his curly haired friend was lying.

"I'm fine, Harry, really." The brunette sighed relentlessly. "I'm sorry, Gin, I didn't mean to snap at you it's just..."

"Just what?" Ginny frowned, taking Hermione's hand into her own. "What's wrong, 'Mione?"

"I just have something else on my mind right now and..."

"And?" Harry questioned.

"And I'm not sure the way I dealt with it was..."

"Was?" The two of the asked as they tried to hear the end of the sentence.

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