Chapter 32

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"Wait!" Blaise frowned as the two of them rushed through the corridors. "Lucius was in your bathroom? What a creep!"

"Blaise." Hermione sighed, stopping in her tracks and turning to the dark skinned boy. "He said Draco was back in school."

She watched as Blaise's face displayed a range of different emotions: relief, confusion, excitement. Eventually, he settled on a look of amusement as he pushed past the brunette girl.

"Hermione, let's get you back to bed." He smiled, taking hold of Hermione's arm and guiding her through the corridors.

"Blaise, I swear to Merlin - I'm not crazy! He told me himself." The witch protested.

"In your bathroom? Ten minutes ago?'


Blaise shook his head and chuckled as they reached the Head Prefect Common Room. "Yeah right, 'Mione."

They stepped inside the Common Room and almost instantly a wave of fear came over the duo.

"Okay, so there's a creep ass looking person standing over by your window - that doesn't prove anything." Blaise stammered, dropping his hand to his side.

"W- who the hell are you?" A coarse voice questioned from the darkness. "Where am I?"

"Oh God!" Hermione gasped from beside the Slytherin, cupping her hands over her mouth. "Draco?"

"Y- you know me?" The shaken voice questioned as the figure stepped into the light.

The duo let out a horrified gasp as the blonde boy stepped into view. His pale face bared an ugly scar that covered his left cheekbone, alongside a few scrapes and bruises. His once platinum blonde hair was matted together with dried blood and dirt and worst of all - his clothes were torn and bloodstained as though he'd murdered someone.

"Oh Draco." Hermione gasped, her shock evident.

"How do you know me!" The broken figure that was Draco snapped, startling the brunette girl.

"Woah, Draco, buddy." Blaise exclaimed, in attempt to calm the situation. "Take it easy, yeah?"

"And you! Who the fuck are you?!" The broken boy yelled, grabbing the nearest book and launching it across the room.

"Draco, stop it! That's enough!" Hermione pleaded as she and Blaise ducked behind the sofa.

"Really!" Blaise exclaimed turning to look at the brunette. "He's throwing books at you and now you decide to negotiate with him?!"

"Blaise! I don't think we should be arguing about this now!" She states loudly, trying to make herself audible through Draco's screaming.

"You're right - we should do it when he launches another book at us! Great thinking, 'Mione." He responds sarcastically, earing a small groan from the young witch.

"That was not, by any means, what I meant!" Hermione argued, gripping her hair back into a ponytail. "And you know it."

Before long, Draco's yelling quietened into whimpers that could only just be heard over the crackling fire. It didn't take too long for both Blaise and Hermione to come out from behind the sofa.

"H- hello?" Draco's voice cracked from some within the room. "Father, is that you?"

The Gryfindor Princess exchanged a worrisome glance at the dark skinned boy, who seemed paler than usual. It didn't take them long to locate the broken boy, two minutes to be exact.

He was sat in front of the fire, hugging his knees to his chest, while rocking back and forth allowing his tears to run down his face.

"Draco?" Hermione spoke, but not very loudly.

Eye to Eye: A Dramione FanficWhere stories live. Discover now