Chapter 14

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The next day was Saturday. That morning Hermione was woken by the rays of sunlight that were shining through the glass panes of the bedroom windows. She rolled over and squinted at the sight of a small piece of paper resting on her bedside table. The brunette lazily reached out and grabbed the slip of parchment, moving it within reading distance.

Gone down to breakfast with boys, didn't want to wake you as you had an eventful night. Don't panic! Nobody but you can read this. I'm meeting Astoria by the Lake at 12:00, please join us!


The curly haired witch let out a small sigh as she carefully put the note back where she'd found it, before pulling back the covers and climbing out of bed.

As soon as she stood up, Hermione felt her head start becoming dizzy. However, determined to meet up with Ginny and Astoria, she ignored it and passed it off as a result of standing up too fast.

Once she took a small step away from the bed, Hermione lost her balance and went hurtling towards the floor. The brunette attempted to grab hold of the bed frame to prevent her fall, but failed to do so and ended up pulling the knitted blanket Mrs. Weasley had made her off the bed.

As the young witch landed on the floor, she hit her head off the wooden planks, leaving her laying there in the girls dormatry, unconscious, with a blanket laying on top of her lifeless body.


Ginny sat at the Gryffindor table reading the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, as she patiently waited for Hermione to show up. Seamus, Harry and Ron were having a rather amusing conversation about Seamus' latest failed attempt at preforming basic spell, but Ginny didn't take much interest in the subject as she knew how it ended.

"Gin, are you feeling alright?" Harry asked, distracting the redhead's attentions from the paper.

She didn't look up, instead she spoke to him through the paper. "Yeah I'm fine. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, your reading the Prophet upsidedown."

Ginny stopped reading and placed the bundle of printed papers abruptly on the table in front of her, before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"No, Harry, I'm not alright." Ginny huffed as the dark-haired boy in front of her frowned. "In fact, I'm far from alright! I'm worried about Hermione."

"Why on earth are you worried about 'Mione?" Harry questioned, trying not to let the other two boys hear.

"She hasn't come down yet."

"And? She probably just sleeping in, nothing to fret about."

"It's quarter to eleven!" Ginny exclaimed in annoyance as she tried to get her point across.

Harry paused for a moment, thinking things over before nodding. "Actually, now that you mention it, it does seem pretty unusual for 'Mione to stay in bed for this long. Perhaps we should go check on her?"

"Perhaps!? Harry, I think we should go check on her!" Ginny corrected as they stood up and left the table.

As the two of them neared the doors to the Great Hall, Astoria caught up with them, closely followed by Draco.

"Ginny, have you seen 'Mione?" Astoria asked with panic evident in her voice.

"No, Astoria, we haven't." Ginny responded with a small shake of her head. "We were just going to check on her."

"You mean, she hasn't come down yet?" Draco questioned with a frown.

"Not that we know of." Harry grumbled, clearly not wanting to be involved in the conversation. "Why'd you ask?"

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