Chapter 22

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The entire hall fell silent. No one was quite sure how to react. How had someone managed to smuggle Amortentia into the castle?

Harry tightened his grip on Hermione, who was slowly turning the colour of Harry's old owl, Hedwig. Meanwhile, Draco stood with Luna discussing the possible effects the potion could have on anyone who used too much. While Ronald sat cross-legged on the stone floor, growing more and more confused.

It didn't take long before a familiar face came bounding into the Great Hall, unaware of the current problem.

"Won-won? Won-won!"

The entire room erupted in gasps and whispers as Lavender Brown skipped merrily into the Hall.

"You!" Hermione hissed at the blonde girl, who simply waved in response.

"Hermione! Hi, I didn't see you..."

"Don't you dare pretend like noting is wrong, Lavender Brown! We all know what you've done."

Lavender let out a small chuckle. "What I've done? Oh please, I've done nothing!"

"Lavender." Harry spoke as calmly as possible. "We know about the Amortentia.?

The blonde girl looked as though she wanted the ground to swallow her up, there and then. A tense silence settled among the students and teachers as they anticipated Lavender's reply. But how she responded was not what anyone had expected.

She let out an amused chuckle. "If you're all going to accuse me of hurting my Won-won - then let me stop you right there; I'm not the one hurting him." The blonde girl pointed at Hermione, who was still caught up in Harry's arms. "She is!"

"Me!?" Hermione exclaimed. "I've done nothing wrong! You're the one that uses him like a barbie doll; you play with him when you want him, but once you get bored of him - you shove him back under your bed!"

"At least I don't date an ex-Death Eater!" Lavender retaliated too quickly for her own liking, causing the entire Hall to collectively gasp.

It took the brunette a moment to find her words. "Yes, Lavender. The big hint being 'ex', you daft bimbo!"

"Hermione, I think that's enough." Harry tried to calm the brunette, but was quickly overuled by other whispers in the room.

"Yes, 'Mione!" Blaise's familiar voice was heard over everyone else's. "You go girl! Defend my ship!"

"Dude." Theodore pulled on the sleeve of Blaise's cloak. "Seriously?"

"Hey, I'm just standing up for my beliefs."

"Yeah, well, stop - it's embarrassing." Theo warns, turning his attention back to the girls.

Most of the students were chuckling at the two Slytherin boys and their argument about Blaise's loyalty, but they too turned their heads to continue watching the girls.

"I don't even know what your problem is, Hermione." Lavender argued. "It's not as if I used an illegal substance."

"Lavender." Hermione said, her voice becoming calm once again. "Amortentia is illegal."

The blonde girl froze. "That's impossible! Seamus told me..."

The entire room fell into another lapse of silence as Lavender thought things over. What had Seamus said? Did he actually say legal? She didn't know.

"Mr. Finnegan, did you tell Miss. Brown that Amortentia is a legal substance?" Minvera McGonagall stepped in as Seamus shook his head.

"No, Professor. I simply told her that it would be impossible to smuggle into the castle without being caught."

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