Chapter 25

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"Mione! Come on, you need to eat!"

The Gryfindor Princess rolled her eyes for what felt like the a hundredth time today. Harry, Ron and Ginny had been outside the door all afternoon trying to get her to leave her 'fortress' as Ronald called it. It'd been clear that Ronald hadn't wanted to be here in the first place, but he came along anyway.

There was another knock on the door, someone with a softer touch. "'Mione, sweetie, it's Astoria."

The Gryfindor gave a small sigh, knowing there was no way she was getting good rid of them.

"Draco... he wants you to know that - well, I want you to know that..." Astoria fumbled around for words to finish her sentence.

The frizzy haired girl put her book down and quietly approached the door, gently pressing her ear to the door. She was suddenly interested to hear what Astoria had to say.

She could hear a lot of mumbling, it was difficult to understand what was being said, but one thing was certain. There was more than four people in that Common Room!

The witch went over to the other door in her room, she hadn't told Draco what was behind it, and pushed it open. The bathroom. Hermione had charmed her door so it wasn't visible to anyone other than her. She tip-toed to the bathroom door and opened it a crack. Now she could hear everything.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, running a hand through his dark hair.

"Dude, we're positive!" Two other male voices responded. Theo and Blaise.

"So if he was with you two - who was here?" Ginny questioned, taking hold of Harry's hand.

That's it! What were they talking about? Hermione scanned the room. Draco was nowhere in sight. But neither was Ronald. Something wasn't right here...

"I'm not sure anyone else was actually here last night - other than Hermione, of course." Astoria suggested, sitting on the edge of the coffee table.

Hermione wasn't entirely sure what her friends were suggetsing, but whatever it was - she didn't like it.
She gently pushed the door closed, without making a sound, and went over to the other door that lead into Draco's room; he hadn't thought to put a charm in his door. The Gryfindor pushed the door open slightly and chuckled at the sight that greeted her. Draco was sprawled out across his bed, sound asleep.
She was about to close the door, when someone entered his room. She watched closely.

"Draco, buddy." It was Blaise. Hermione watched him go over and shake his Slytherin friend. But Draco didn't wake. "Draco, man, get up!"

Blaise shook him again, but he still wouldn't wake.

"Harry! Theo! We have a problem!"

Hermione watched as everyone ran into the room and stared at a stressed Blaise. "He won't wake up!"

The Gryfindor Princess left the bathroom through the Common Room door and to her disappointment - it was empty!

Panic began rushing through her head. She already knew who was responsible. The only thing that wasn't clear to her was why they would do it. Without thinking, she ran into Draco's room, startling everyone in there. But her suspicions were confirmed.

"Mione. What is it? What's wrong?" Ginny asked, placing a hand on her friends arm.

Hermione shook her head, not wanting to believe any of it.

Theo stepped in. "Hermione. For Merlin's sake! What's wrong?"

"I know." She muttered, causing everyone to stare at her in confusion.

"You know what, 'Mione?" Harry asked, becoming extremely concerned.

"I know!" Hermione shouted.

The bedroom door opened behind her and someone stepped inside. Hermione turned around and scowled at the sight.

"Hermione, thank Merlin you're alright!" He exclaimed, opening his arms to hug his frizzy haired friend.

She slapped him straight across the face. "Don't you dare touch me, Ronald Weasley!" She hissed at the ginger haired boy standing before her.

"Woah!" He gasped in shock. "What was that for?"

"I know!"

Suddenly, Ron's face turned from the look of a scared child to and evil grin. "Well, then you'll know why I did it?"

"Ronald!" Ginny let out a horrified gasp. "You did this! Why?"

"She!" He pointed to Hermione. "Belongs with me. And not with him!" He gestured towards the unconscious blonde.

Before Hermione had a chance to react, Ginny stepped forward and punched her brother square in the jaw.

"Have some decency, little sister." Ron smirked.

"For who? Because I'm pretty damn sure no one has any for people like you?" Astoria growled.

Ron looked at Hermione, his eyes softened at the sight of her. He reached out and stroked her cheek. Hermione attempted to push him away, but failed. "Now we can be together, my darling. He never deserved you!"

The Gryfindor Princess stepped back in disgust. "He never deserved me?! Well, if I'm completely honest Ronald, I think you're mistaken! He deserved me as much as the next person does. But you..."

"You don't deserve one bit of her, mate!" Blaise continued angrily, not even looking at the red-haired boy.

"If anything, Hermione can do world's better than a thing like you!" Theodore concluded, earning a small smile of appreciation from the Gryfindor Princess.

There was a moment of silence between them, before Ron spoke up once more.

"Well, at least Harry doesn't hate me. Isn't that right, mate?" Ron playfully slapped the Chosen One's arm.

"Hate you? I can't even stand the sight of you!" Harry yelled, causing Ron's expression to change drastically. "You know what, mate? Hate isn't a strong enough word for how I feel right now! In fact, I wish that bloody Lavender girl had overdosed you with Amortentia!"

"Hey, come on now..." Ron chuckled nervously, causing Ginny to slap him again, before calming Harry down.

"I think you should leave." Hermione spoke up eventually.

Ron looked at her with a wounded expression. "Hermione, darling! Don't do this..."

"For Merlin's Sake, Weasley! The woman said leave!" Blaise shoved Ron out of the Common Room and into the halls of the school. "And stop sinking my ship!"

Once he returned, no one seemed to know what to say. Instead, they just sat there, hoping that whatever Ronald had done, would wear off. Eventually...


Hey Guys!

Did you do it? Did you guess right? Sorry if these chapters are really short, I been finding it difficult putting my thoughts into words recently. But I assure you, my updating speed is increasing, so chapters should be getting published sooner.

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