Chapter 21

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Tension thickened within the hall, all eyes were on the two boys. All that could be heard was the heavy breathing coming from the mouths of every student in the room, along side the constant groaning that kept escaping Ron's mouth.

The red haired boy couldn't help but stare longingly at Hermione and Harry - he couldn't understand. He loved her - she loved him. And he needed Harry - he was his best friend. Wasn't he?

He watched as Hermione buried her face in the crook of Harry's neck while he muttered something in her ear, trying to calm her down. Ron couldn't help but notice that Harry, his best friend since - well - forever, hadn't even given him a second glance!

The sound of his mother sobbing was easily recognisable. Ronald turned his head to see his little sister comforting their mother as she watched from a distance.

Draco stood over him, making the red haired boy feel intimidated, but nevertheless, he could tell that the blonde boy was contemplating his best options. Which meant it was no surprise when Draco took hold of Ron's shoulders and slammed him into a wall.

"Listen, Weasley." Draco spat, ignoring the protests Blaise continued to make. "Hermione and I are happy. So I'd very much appreciate it if you could go back to snogging that ditsy bitch of yours and leave us alone!"

The sobs belonging to Molly Weasley grew louder as she watched as her youngest son was told the truth. Ginny continued her attempt to sooth her mother, but nothing seemed to work.

"Draco, I found this outside when I was sketching the Hippogriffs." Luna's heavenly voice announced as she skipped forwards, passing a small glass vile to Draco.

The blonde boy studied the small container before unscrewing the lid and sniffing the water-like substance.

"What does it smell of?" The Ravenclaw girl asked as she began absent-mindedly swaying from left to right

Draco frowned. The scent strangely reminded him of the three things he loved most. "White roses, fallen rain and... parchment."

"Parchment?" Blaise questioned, shoving his way over with urgency in his voice. "Hold up! I know that the roses remind you of your mother and the rain; a fond childhood memory - but parchment?"

The blonde boy shrugged. "No, Blaise. It's like the parchment pages in a book."

A small smirk appeared on Blaise's face as he asked yet another question. "You mean like the ones in the books Hermione reads?"

"Yeah." Draco replied a little too fast.

A few students around the room began cooing at the Slytherin Prince's response and Draco could feel his face burning up. He could see Hermione trying to hide the small grin of her face as Luna handed the bottle to Ron.

"Ron?" She questioned, still swaying. "What do you smell?"

The red haired boy tore his eyes away from Hermione and took the vile from Luna. "Pumpkin pasties, the ocean and..."

"And?" Draco asked through gritted teeth as he unclenched his fists.


The whole room erupted is gasps of shock, in fact, Draco was sure he'd heard a younger student questioning their friend about Ron's death wish, which he found humorous.

"You see, the scent of the substance alters to each individual. Making its aroma more appealing to whomever is near." Luna stated, her sweet voice silencing the mumbling.

"So like a love potion?" Theo frowned, his confusion obvious.

"Of a sort."

The entire room fell silent. The only thing that could be heard was Molly's muffled sobs, which slowly came to a stop. McGonagall and all of the other professors sat at the front of the room, completely amazed at how quickly things escalated.

"Oh Merlin!" Hermione exclaimed, slapping her hand over her mouth in horror.

"Hermione?" Harry frowned, taking hold of the witch's shoulders and holding her at arms length. "What's wrong?"

"Harry, I think Theo might be onto something!"

"I am?!" Theodore questioned.

"He is?!" Both Blaise and Draco exclaimed in disbelief.

The brunette gave a small nod. "Think about it, a substance with an aroma that appeals to who ever smells it - a love potion of a sort..."

"Oh!" Harry said suddenly, causing the entire Hall to stop thinking.

"Oh?" Draco asked, his fear becoming evident. "What do you mean 'oh'?"

"What Mione is trying to say is that Ronald has been under the spell of Amortentia." Harry announced with uncertainty.

"The most powerful love potion in the Wizarding World." Hermione added, glancing at the red haired boy briefly.

As soon as the truth had been revealed, it didn't take long for someone to think of something to say. And of course, this person was none other than Blaise Zabini.

"Ooh quick!" He childishly shouted as he leaped off the bench he'd been standing on. "Someone grab me some popcorn - this just got interesting!"

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