Chapter 39

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There was another loud thud as Draco slammed his shoulder into Hermione's closed bedroom door, hoping that the fifth time would be enough to get the door open. But it wasn't. The door remained shut, sealed from the inside.

"Maybe we should try another spell?" Ginny suggested, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to rid herself of the ever-growing need to sleep.

Harry nodded as he and Draco pulled out their wands and tried yet another spell, not entirely convinced it would do any good. And they were right - the spell didn't even make a difference to the door.

After collecting Harry and Ginny, the three of them had hurried off to find Blaise. It didn't take long before the three of them were attempting to drag the sleepy Slytherin from the depths of his bed.

"Get off me, you monster!" Blaise had argued, kicking his legs frantically as Draco and Harry attempted to seize an ankle each.

It'd taken them ten minutes to pry Blaise away from his duvet, and by this point Draco had grown so impatient that he picked his grumpy friend up and put him over his shoulder, exiting the Slytherin dorms in a hurry.

"Any other ideas?" Harry ran a hand through his dark hair, turning to look at Blaise, who was half asleep. "Blaise?"

The mention of his name seemed to bring Blaise jolting back into awareness, almost tumbling off the small stool he was sitting on. He seemed to squint his eyes as he brought his gaze up to meet Harry's, but Draco could tell that he'd be no  help - especially not in his current state.

"Have you tried a spell?" Blaise asked, his voice groggy from the lack of sleep.

Harry nodded impatiently. "We've been trying those for the last twenty minutes - they don't work."

"Then we're doomed." Blaise threw his arms up in the air. "If the Boy Who Lived can't cast a single spell to save his friend, then non of us can."

There was a sudden wave of silence that seemed to strike the four of them as they realised Blaise, in his tired state, was right. How could they do something if  not even Harry could?

"Blaise is right, guys." Ginny said quietly, failing to suppress a yawn.

The sleep deprived Slytherin smiled weakly. "Really? Wow! Can I go back to bed now?"

Without waiting for an answer, Blaise stood up and wove his way past the other three, going in the opposite direction to the main door. However, the poor boy barely made it as far as Hermione's door before collapsing in exhaustion, his body slumping against the wood.

"Great, that's just what we need." Draco stated dryly, rubbing his eyes rid of sleep. "Blaise is out like light and Hermione is..."

But Draco didn't get to finish his sentence, not before the door they'd spent twenty minutes trying to open suddenly clicked open as Blaise continued to lean against it. Ginny let out a small, almost inaudible gasp, her  exhaustion making her slightly jumpy.
Both Harry and Draco turned to look at each other, both of them wearing the same expression - shock.

As both boys silently agreed to step forward and push the door open, Blaise shot up into a sitting position, suddenly wide awake and bursting with energy. It took the other two boys and Ginny by complete surprise, causing them to recoil momentarily before proceeding to lean forwards and push the door fully open.

The room was dark inside, Draco could hardly see a thing - the odd silhouette here and there: the bed, the drawers. But there was one particular thing that the blonde boy couldn't quite recognise. At the opposite side of the room there appeared to be an indistinguishable silhouette.

It's not furniture. Draco told himself, squinting in an attempt to see better. It's too well-shaped to be any kind of furniture.

But it was in a slight adjustment to his stance that Draco's grey eyes found the truth to what he was staring at. In the midst of the dark room, Draco managed to decifer that the shadow owned a mass of curly hair - insanely curly hair; the shadow wasn't a what, it was a who.

As Harry made a move to turn on the bedroom light, the same piercing scream Draco had heard earlier rang throughout the Common Room, causing everyone - including the ever so sleepy Blaise - to scramble away from the room. However, the scream stopped in a matter of seconds and when the four of them turned back to face Hermione's room, they found that the light had been turned on and that there was no sign of the person Draco had seen.

Without a second of hesitation Blaise sprung to life and hurtled towards Hermione's room, crying out tiredly for the girl who'd quickly become like a sister to him. Ginny chuckled at his childishness and watched as he threw himself onto her best friend's bed. Both Draco and Harry, however, found Blaise's behaviour the least bit interesting. The one thing that did interest them was that Blaise had thrown himself onto Hermione's bed, where Hermione was sleeping and she hadn't made a single protest or noise...

Without a second thought both boys ran into the bedroom, only to find that what they'd suspected was true; Hermione was gone! Blaise lay in her place, curled up all snug on the bedsheets with his eyes closed and a content smile on his face - he was too tired to notice. The only other thing on the bed, besides Blaise, was a small black tape player that remained untouched at the end of the bed.

"That's not 'Mione's." Harry stated flatly, his gaze fixed on the tape player.

Draco nodded. "I know."

Without warning, Ginny pushed past the two boys and took the tape player into her hands. "Well, staring at it isn't going to make it work, is it?"

Both boys exchanged glances before looking up at the youngest Weasly and nodding, allowing her to push a button that started the tape. Less than a second after the small click, that same piercing shriek Draco had been hearing all night kicked in, causing the blonde boy's heart to stop momentarily; she was never really here - Hermione hadn't been the one screaming, the tape had!

Ginny was quick to turn the tape off and cast it onto the floor, earning a loud crash in response as the room fell into an eerie silence. No one knew what to say. Non of it would make a difference.

As the three of them, not including Blaise who was now sleeping soundly on the bed, stood there helplessly wondering what to do, Draco couldn't help but ask himself something:

If Hermione isn't here - then where is she? And who put that tape player in her room?

Hey Guys!

I'm sorry the update was a long time coming, I just haven't been in the right frame of mind for writing recently. Not to worry though; I'm okay now and the updates should become more frequent (don't hold me to that).

Also, I just thought I'd mention it: anyone who has read one of my other books: Dark Shadows - I am currently undergoing a rewrite as I'm unsatisfied with the way it turned out.

Once again - sorry for the long wait! Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the next...

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