Chapter 12

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Gasps erupted from the entire Hall and horrified shrieks escaped Astoria and Ginny's mouths, which could only just be heard over Hermione's painful cries. Draco moved closer towards Hermione and raised his fist, preparing to throw another punch at the brunette, but Blaise and Theodore were on the scene in seconds. Blasie rushed in front of Hermione, blocking his blonde friend from doing anymore damage, while Theodore grabbed Draco from behind, pulling him away from the weeping girl.

Ginny and Astoria were by Hermione's side almost instantly and as soon as Draco was out of the room, Blaise was there too, helping the girls convince Hermione to move her hands from her face. The curly haired girl pulled Ginny towards her and began to whisper in her ear.

"He didn't actually hit me!" Hermione said through her cupped hands.

"What!" Ginny exclaimed almost loud enough to be heard over all of the commotion.

"He only just missed. But I need you to perform a spell that will give me a nose bleed."

"Are you sure!?"

Hermione nodded as Ginny discreetly removed her wand from her robe and preformed the spell, before getting up to tell Astoria and Blaise that Draco hadn't actually hit Hermione.


Theodore dragged Draco out into the corridors and shoved him into a wall before releasing him. For a few moments Theodore stood there with a menacing look on his face, until he couldn't hold it in anymore. Draco watched as his chubby friend burst into a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Draco questioned, not entirely sure what there was to laugh at.

"You threw a good-" Theodore raised his hands and made quotation marks with his fingers before continuing. "Punch."

Draco's eyes widened in shock as his friend continued to laugh. "Are you kidding! Was it noticeable?"

The doors to the Great Hall swung open, startling the boys, as Astoria and Ginny wandered over to them helping a sobbing Hermione out of the Hall.

"I'll tell you was will be noticeable, Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Astoria huffed, glaring at the Slytherin Prince.

"The bleeding nose Weaslette gave her?" Draco grinned as he gestured towards Ginny, who let go of the curly haired girl and began threatening to strangle the boy.

However, as soon as Ginny released Hermione, she began to get uneasy on her feet, but Draco was quick to her aid. He slid his arms round her small waist and grinned as he pulled her into a hug, burring his face in her hair.

"You can stop acting now, Granger!" He chuckled.

Hermione shook her head. "That's the problem Draco. I'm not acting!"

The brunette removed her hands from her face to reveal a massive purple bruise on her left cheekbone along with a bloody nose which caused Draco to gasp in horror.

"Oh dear Merlin! Hermione I'm so sorry!" The poor boy could barely breath. He felt so guilty! Or at least he did until a huge grin spread across the Gryffindor's face and the bruising and blood began to disappear.

"I'm sorry you actually fell for that!" She laughed as she playfully hit Draco's chest as he pretended to sulk over the horrible prank she had just pulled on him.

After several minutes of playfully teasing Draco, Astoria came up with and idea that she knew everyone would like. "How about this Friday we all get together for games night?"

Ginny began squealing and jumping around like a child causing Theodore to laugh. "If that doesn't mean yes, I don't know what does."

"So you'll come?"

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