Chapter 19

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"Settle down! Settle down!" The voice of Professor McGonagall silenced the crowds of loud students, who rushed to their seats. "By now I'm sure you're all wondering which two students are to be this years Head Boy and Girl. However, because of an unexpected interruption - their identities remained unknown of one more day."

A few chuckles erupted from around the Hall as Professor McGonagall continued to speak. She raised her hand, causing everyone to turn their attention back to the older woman.

"Putting that aside." She says before clearing her throat. "It was Professor Dumbledore's final wish to make these two students Head Prefects. He wanted to be the one to announce their names in this assembly. However, due to unfortunate events, he couldn't be here with us today to do so."

"Bloody Death Eaters." Ron grumbled from beside Seamus, causing Hermione to turn to face him.

"If you haven't anything nice to say, Ronald." She hissed, just loud enough so he could hear. "Then don't say anything at all."

The red haired boy opened his mouth to argue, but Hermione already had her back to him, not wanting to listen. He'd said more than enough during the past couple of days and, quite frankly, she'd had enough.

"Woman's got a point, man." Seamus chuckled from beside Hermione, who was now grinning.


The three of them directed their attention back to the front of the room where McGonagall was still speaking of their late Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

"I have followed Dumbledore's wishes to the best of my ability and have monitored their change in behaviour very closely. And I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know that I am satisfied that these two will work together in their roles of Head Prefects."

"What's the bet Hermione ends up as Head Girl?" Blaise mutters into Draco's ear, causing the blonde boy to grin.

"Blaise, there's no betting about it." Draco chuckled quietly to his dark skinned friend, not bothering to turn his head. "The odds of Hermione being Head Girl is, like, a billion to one."

"Will you two shut up?" Astoria hissed as she snapped her head round to face the two boys sitting opposite her. "I want to be able to hear McGonagall when she calls 'Mione's name."

The two of them muttered an apology simultaneously as they all refocused on Professor McGonagall.

"Your Head Girl for this year... Hermione Jean Granger!"

Cheers errupted throughout the hall, along with applauses from every house except Slytherin. The brunette smiled and glanced over at the Slytherin table. She caught sight of Draco, Blaise and Astoria, who grinned and gave her a discrete applause, so that the rest of their house didn't see. Hermione couldn't help but chuckle at the smirk Draco had plastered over his face.

The applause died down allowing McGonagall to continue speaking. "Congratulations to you, Miss. Granger, you have earned this role."

"Damn right she has." Ron grumbled from behind Hermione, who tried her best to ignore him.

"Now, your Head Boy for this year is..."

Before the elder witch had chance to finish, the doors to the Hall burst open as Filtch came stumbling in as fast as he could, closely followed by Mrs. Norris.

"Students out of bed!" The caretaker yelled, his voice raspy. "Students in the corridors!"

By this point, every single student was in stitches of laughter as their caretaker and his cat rushed to the front of the room, declaring that it was the middle of the night.

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