Chapter 15

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The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. The only thing that could be faintly heard, was the steady breathing of the sleeping Gryffindor.

Not one person had left the room since Madame Pompfry visited, unless it was to use the bathroom. They had more or less stayed in the same positions, too afraid to move incase they woke the sleeping girl.

Ginny was still sitting beside Hermione, barely gripping her friend's hand, as she slept with her head rested on the mattress. Harry and Blaise sat on one of the beds, quietly talking to each other about pretty much anything else, just to keep themselves awake. Astoria was in the bathroom, and had been for a while, on and off throughout the evening, but whenever she came out of the tiled room her eyes were red and puffy as though she'd been crying. This left Draco, sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, beside the bathroom door, deep in thought.

Astoria emerged from the bathroom and closed the door quietly behind her, before joining her fellow Slytherin at the side of the room. She stood beside him and allowed a small smile to tug on her lips as she placed a hand on his left shoulder.

"She will be fine, you know." The dark-haired girl whispered, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.

"Yeah I know." The blonde boy sighed, earning a small frown from Astoria.


"But I feel like I..." Draco searched his mind for an ending to that sentence, but found nothing. "I don't know how to describe it."

Astoria chuckled quietly from beside him, as Draco frowned questioningly at her. Blaise and Harry, who had stopped talking as soon as Astoria began speaking, were taking an interest in the conversation.

"What so funny?" Blaise questioned with a yawn as he and Harry turned to face the two.

"I think Draco cares for Hermione more than he thinks he does." Astoria said quietly, as Draco crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest.

"I do not care for Hermione like that!" He argued like a child. "We're just friends!"

"That's what they all say." Harry chuckled from beside Blaise, causing Draco's frown to slowly turn into a glare.

"How so?"

"Well, Ron and Hermione have been saying that for three years, but they ended up dating."

"Yes, but that was ages ago!"

"They're still together!"

Draco froze. Hermione was still dating the Weasel? She hadn't mentioned this to him before, so it couldn't possibly be true, could it?

"Right, well, I'm off to bed." Harry yawned as he stood up, followed by Blaise. "Night."

The two of them left, leaving Astoria and Draco along with the two sleeping girls. Astoria could see that Draco was hurt by Harry's last comment, but she wasn't too surprised. She had known for a while that Ron and Hermione were together, but Hermione never said much about it, only that she would tell Draco when the time was right. Astoria thought she had told him ages ago, but apparently not!

They sat in silence for a while, until someone finally found something to say.

"Did you know?" Draco asked, not bothering to look at the dark-haired girl.

Astoria sighed, not wanting to answer the question, but she knew it would only hurt him more. "Yes, but she only ever mentioned it once and she swore she would tell you."

"Why didn't you tell me when she didn't?"

"Because I presumed she'd already told you, Draco."

Once again, the room fell into an awkward silence as they watched Hermione sleeping peacefully with Ginny's head rested beside her.

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