Chapter 30

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"But Professor, please!" The Gryfindor begged as McGonagall continuously refused to help them.

"Miss. Granger, I have been informed of Mr. Malfoy's strange behaviour. However, I have also been told that the medication affects his behaviour." The Headmistress purses her lips. "Perhaps you should get some sleep. It looks as though you need it."


"Enough, Miss. Granger. I have given you my answer and that's the end of it!"

Hermione felt Blaise place a hand on her wrist, indicating it was time to leave, but Hermione wasn't quite finished. She asked for the days issue of the Daily Prophet, as she hadn't had chance to read it yet, and gasped when she saw the cover.

Lucius Malfoy escaped from Askaban taking 7 others with him.

She shoved the collection of paper at Blaise, earning a horrified gasp before he slammed it down on McGonagall's desk, startling the teacher.

"Did you know about this?" Blaise demanded his voice worryingly low.

"Mr. Zabini, I do not appreciate you coming in here and..." Professor McGonagall sighed looking up from her parchment.

"Did you?" He persisted with his fists clenched by his sides.

"Blaise. I think we should go." Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed. "She won't tell us anything."

"No! I want to know how much of this she already knew." He turned to the professor, who had removed her glasses and was staring down her nose at the two. "So go on then! Did you know about this?"

The two of them watched as McGonagall, with a sigh, pushed her writing to one side and gestured for them to take a seat. Once they were seated she took the opportunity to warn them of the consequences if anyone else was to discover this information.

"Do you understand?" The witch questioned sternly as the two of them nodded in agreement. "Good. Now that's out of the way, is there anything you wish to know about the situation?"

"Well considering we have been stood here for half an hour bugging you about information on Draco Malfoy -" Blaise began, his tone considerably low. "You can bet my bloody arse we have some questions! Some pretty damn good ones too!"

"Very well. Mr. Zabini, ask away."

"Where is Draco?"

The witch fell silent and closed her eyes, clearly wishing that question hadn't come up. Hermione felt her heart sink, she knew something was wrong, but she refused to believe it until she heard it from McGonagall herself. It took two minutes for the Headmistress to say something and when she did, Hermione wished she had just stayed silent.

"I don't know." She sighed looking Blaise directly in the eye. "No one does. Not even the nurses."

"How can that happen! He's a bloody school kid! You can't loose him that easily!" Blaise burst, standing up off the chair and knocking it over.

"Mr. Zabini, please, calm down. We're doing everything we can."

Hermione sat there, consumed in horror. She couldn't believe it. Draco had been taken and no one knew where he was! She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. In fact, she didn't think she had any tears left to cry. Instead, she found herself asking the one question she really didn't want the answer to.

"Who?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"Miss. Granger, I don't think..." Professor McGonagall began with a sigh.

"Who?" The Gryfindor persisted, noticing that Blaise was suddenly very interested in Hermione's question.

There was a moment of silence before the teacher spoke again, but when she did, it was the answer everyone was expecting.

"Lucius Malfoy." The witch said, clearly not enjoying the topic. "We believe Mr. Malfoy is with his father."

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