And... We're Done!

3K 36 20

Over the last - what? - five years I have received an INSANE amount of response to this story, and it has been amazing!

Really, it has.

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again anyway:
Never once, when I started writing this in the library at my Primary school (it's a British thing), did I ever think that 'Eye-to-Eye' would become as popular as it has done over the years. It is truly heartwarming to see that so many people, from so many different places around the world, have enjoyed (I hope) reading my work. And while I know that, compared to some other books on here - take 'After' for example, having 160K reads is probably nothing in comparison to 568 MILLION (and counting).

However, as I've also said in the past, I never even expected to have 1 person read my work - let alone 160K!

I don't ever want to come across as someone who likes to rub this kind of stuff in other people's faces. Really, I don't. It amazes me, every time I come on here, that this is actually happening. And, I guess, what I'm TRYING to say is that I'm eternally grateful to every single person who has supported this story over the years - even through my crappy, eleven-year-old self's muddled storytelling.

You guys really are amazing!

Now, I have debated revealing this idea for a while, but I figured that this would be the best place for me to do it:
As you may well have noticed, 'Eye-to-Eye' is the only Dramione Fanfic I have on my profile. And, while I love all of my other stories (despite how long it takes me to update them), I really do like the idea of writing another Fanfic. It doesn't have to be Dramione, or Harry Potter based, but it will have to be something that I myself am familiar with...

That's where, I'm hoping, you guys can help.

Feel free to leave me suggestions about what type of Fanfic I should try writing next.

I'd like to see what you come up with.


Eye to Eye: A Dramione FanficWhere stories live. Discover now