Bonus Chapter: Blaise Keeps Up With The Kardashians

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"Um... Blaise?"

Draco froze upon entering the Head Prefects' Common Room, where Blaise was positioned, cross-legged, on the floor, staring intently at the Muggle contraption he'd uncovered in the Room of Requirement. Ever since then, it'd been impossible to pry him away from the stupid thing.

"Shush!" He hissed, waving his arm frantically in Draco's general direction. "Kim just slapped Kourtney."

Draco frowned, but said nothing. Instead, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and gave a sigh of defeat. Not that he didn't enjoy hanging out with his friend... but he preferred to do that without being accompanied by the Kardashians. He had warned Hermione that showing Blaise how to use the television was a bad idea, but she'd insisted everything would be fine. However, he doubted she still believed that; she'd been spending a lot more time in the Gryffindor Common Room ever since they'd brought that thing up here.

"Blaise, buddy." Draco made his way over to his Slytherin friend and positioned himself on the floor beside him, being careful not to tread on the blanket he was huddled under. When Blaise didn't respond, Draco reached for the thing he'd seen Hermione used to switch the television on and put an abrupt end to the on-screen catfight. "Blaise... When was the last time you slept?"

With a wild look in his bleary eyes, Blaise turned to Draco. "I don't need sleep. I need answers."

He tried to snatch the gadget away from his platinum-haired friend, but was unsuccessful. Draco, instead, stood up and moved across the room to turn on the lights. "You need to go to bed. I'm surprised you've lasted as long as this!"

"Pfft! It's not been that long."

Draco stared at him. "Blaise, you've been sitting there since Wednesday."

"So?" The other boy rubbed his eyes.

"Today's Sunday."

Blaise froze and the blanket slipped off his shoulders. "What?"

"You've been sitting there for five days." Draco approached the Common Room door and opened it. "I wouldn't be surprised if the carpet has welded to your ass."

"But... But..." Blaise was at a loss for words as Draco came over, helped him up, and led him towards the open door. "That's not possible. My classes... I had classes, Draco!"

The platinum-haired boy sighed. "We took care of that."


"Theo told McGonagall you ate a dodgy pumpkin pasty."

Blaise screwed up his nose. "Ugh! I hate pumpkin."

"You're focusing on the wrong thing." They stopped at the door, Blaise now standing in the corridor with Draco in the doorway opposite him. "If anyone asks, you had a funny tummy."

Blaise glanced down at his stomach, paused for a second, then looked up in confusion. "What's so funny about it?"

"You need to go to bed," Draco said firmly, attempting to close the door on his friend... And failing. 

"I don't understand what you mean."

"That's what happens when you spend 120 hours filling your head with that television crap." Draco looked at his friend in the face, but it was hard to tell if he was concerned or annoyed. "You've been staring at that screen for so long I'm surprised you haven't turned into one of those Kardashians."

Blaise straightened as if that was the first thing he'd been able to make sense of all since this conversation began. Draco thought, just for a second, that he'd been able to make him see sense. But Blaise quickly set that record straight.

"Don't be fucking rude," he said with as much sass as his exhausted self could muster. Draco watched in disbelief as his friend gathered one end of his blanket, swished it over his shoulder in the same way a diva would swish her boa, and strutted off down the corridor without looking back.

A small chuckle escaped Draco's lips as he began to close to Common Room door. He could hardly believe that had worked; it had been Theo's idea. Not that Theo's ideas never usually worked... But his track record for coming up with sensible ideas wasn't exactly a great one.

"Shit." The profanity that came from Blaise could be heard as just as Draco was about to close the gap in the door, which he opened back up again when Blaise came shuffling back along the corridor, heading in the opposite direction. "Wrong way."


Surprised? Yeah, I know I would be.

Just wanted to drop in and put this idea down on paper, since it's been in my head for a little while now. It's short, but I think we all deserved some more Blaise content... So here it is.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Stay safe, guys.

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