Chapter 5

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Draco and his 'Henchmen' barged straight past the gaping crowds and headed straight towards Hermione and Ginny. Blaise and Crabbe stopped in front of Harry and Ron, holding them back from whatever was about to happen. Ginny stepped to the side allowing Draco to grab Hermione's waist once again.

"What are you doing" The curly haired girl hissed at him, gaining no answer from the tall blonde.

She felt her heart rate increase, which caused her breathing to quicken. Noticing this, Draco to smirked. "Whatever you do, you mustn't hate me for this. You understand?"

She frowned, not entirely sure how to react, but then it occurred to her that he was pre-warning her for the stunt he was about to pull. The Gryffindor discreetly nodded at which point Draco took her by surprise.

The Slytherin leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, almost causing Hermione to scream. Then everything clicked in her head: Blaise and Crabbe holding Harry and Ron back, Draco's sudden change of behaviour and Ginny... She froze. Ginny willingly moved aside so that Draco could get to her!

As Draco pulled away, he whispered something to Hermione. "Forget what I said. Act rationally otherwise all our lies will be uncovered."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked quietly as the crowds began to murmur.


And with that Draco released his grip on Hermione and she did the same thing she had done to him in third year. She punched him square in the jaw! Of course, she had to fake the look of disgust on her face, but other than that everything else was very much real. She rushed over to Ginny and dragged her back up the path towards the castle, too humiliated to face the boys.


That night while everyone was sat in the Great Hall waiting for the feast to begin, Professor McGonagall stood up and made an announcement, which pleased everyone in the building.

"Good evening to you all. I would like to mention that there will a mascarade ball this weekend..."

Before she could get the next word out, everyone, including Slytherin, began cheering.

"Silence!" The witch raised her hands to quieten the room. "We shall be transforming the quidditch field into the ball room. So apologises to the quidditch teams, there will be no match this weekend. There is however, one slight rule for this ball, you must all wear masks and reveal your identity to no one, so there will be no individual with a date, you shall dance with anyone you wish to. The ball will last one night, starting in two days." She sat down and the feast began.

"That's not fair!" Harry groaned.

"What? Having your quidditch field taken away?" Hermione chuckled.

"No! Well, yes that. But also not being able to take a date!"

"Well who would you have taken anyway?" Ginny questioned as Harry's face turned bright red.

Hermione laughed getting the hint and Ginny simply sat there in silence, unsure of how to react. Ron joined the three of them at the table moments later and groaned when he saw Hermione.

"Ronald will you just get over it!" Hermione sighed putting a chicken leg on her plate.

"Get over it? You let Malfoy kiss you, Hermione!" Ron exclaimed in a hushed tone. "Bloody Malfoy!"

"I didn't let him Ronald and you know it!"

The redhead rolled his eyes before turning to face Harry, who sat next to him. "I can't believe you forgave her!"

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