Sacrifice: Seokmin x Jisoo (Seventeen)

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Summary: Jisoo, a dragon hybrid, is in need of a sacrifice. When he's given his sacrifice, Seokmin, a fairy, will he be able to kill him?

This ship was a request from @longlostass.

This story contains cursing, blood, and mentions violence. Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes I missed. Please enjoy!

Type: Fantasy
Word Count: 1643
Jisoo: Dragon Hybrid
Seokmin: Fairy Hybrid

Jisoo sat on his throne, feeling disheveled as his wings sat neatly on his back. Once a year, on a full moon, he needed a sacrifice. A sacrifice that would keep him king, keep him going, and keep him powerful. Without the sacrifice, the need for someone else's blood, Jisoo would be powerless.

Dragons like him needed blood from other beings to remain alive, remain in power, and keep their reign as king of the underworld. And after countless years of being king, Jisoo was ruthless. Nothing seemed to affect him anymore. Love no longer seeping through his veins, pumping through his blood as the only one he cared about was himself.

His looked outside the palace window, watching as night began to take over, making him feel alive as he stood up from his spot. The moon was on full display, his yellow eyes shining against the darkness, his sharp teeth biting at his bottom lip as he smirked, ready to take on new powers.

He was getting impatient, wanting the taste of blood right away, sick and tired of feeling weak from the lack of it. He was selfish, guilty as charged, but once again, he gave no fucks about anyone but himself.

He wanted to relish in his power. Feed off the fear of those who feared him and cowered when they heard his name or sensed his presence. Jisoo enjoyed seeing the fear he struck in others eyes, seeing him walk the streets, seeing him eye them up and down. He loved knowing that anything he wanted, he would get.

Cursing loudly, Jisoo whipped around, about to alert his servants about where his sacrifice was until he stopped. The palace doors flew open, causing Jisoo to laugh out loud, excitement cursing through his veins as he looked at what the cat dragged in.

He ranked his long nails along the wall as he walked, the screeching sound from his nails making everyone unsteady. His black leather boots clacked along the tile ground, each step he took seeming louder than the last as he breathed in the scent of fear; his favorite scent of all.

His guards held someone small, someone innocent, Jisoo's favorite type. He could smell the fear radiating off from them as he basked in it. Taking off his robe as he let it drop to the ground, leaving him in his button up shirt and black fitted pants, his wings on full display as his horns sat neatly amongst his black hair.

The guards drug the sacrifice to his feet, Jisoo laughing at the small cries that erupted from the persons mouth, but Jisoo didn't care.

He loved fear. He loved tears. And he loved it when they cried.

The guards let go, showing them who they brought as Jisoo crouched down to their level, grabbing their face as he forced them to look at him. Before he could even look at them, Jisoo closed his eyes, tracing his finger under their eye, collecting their tears as he smirked, bringing his finger to his lips as he sucked on it gently.

The taste of salt cascaded his taste buds, making him feel alive, as if the dying fire within him was ignited once more.

Opening his eyes, Jisoo looked down at them. Their eyes were teary and bright blue, their skin white as snow, hair light blue and small freckles littering their cheek bones. Plump lips and rosy cheeks, their hair silky and skin soft as can be.

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