For All To See: The8 x Joshua (Seventeen)

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Summary: Joshua is being bratty about keeping their relationship hidden, so Minghao takes things into his own hands.

Contains cursing and sex. Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable! I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes I've missed.

Type: Smut
Word Count: 1402

Joshua shoved past Minghao, opening the door to their hotel room as he threw his suit jacket onto the bed. Undoing his tie and belt, Joshua stayed quiet, taking off his clothes as he was breathing heavily; doing everything in his power to not snap at Minghao.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before unbuttoning his shirt, feeling Minghao's eyes on him. Every move Joshua made, he could feel Minghao's eyes burn into the back of him, making him more upset, yet he wanted Minghao to know he was upset.

He wanted Minghao to know that what he said affected him.

They've been secretly dating for almost three years, their anniversary coming up in two weeks. The only people who knew were the other members and their parents. However, Joshua was tired of hiding their relationship from the public.

It wasn't easy for Joshua to see men and women through themselves at his man. Screaming they loved him, screaming they wanted him, asking him on dates or his hand in marriage. Joshua had fans too, but they weren't as aggressive and flirtatious as Minghao's fans.

Minghao stayed quiet, not wanting the press to know about them. Minghao didn't want either of them to receive hate or backlash, especially Joshua. Minghao wanted Joshua to understand that they should wait for their contract to end; but Joshua, Joshua was becoming impatient. He was sick of waiting.

Throughout their relationship, all Minghao wanted to do was to keep Joshua safe. Keep him and hide him away from the hate and the backlash that came from being famous. Even though he knew no matter what, they would get hate and bad comments for Joshua to see, Minghao at least wanted to do whatever he could to limit it.

Joshua's eyes were burning from tears he was holding back as he made his way to the bathroom, beginning to take off his makeup as the silence from him was making Minghao angry. Not just angry, but uncomfortable. Joshua was one to be a brat, Minghao knew that for a fact, but he was never silent like this before.

Usually Joshua is rambling on and on about what he wanted and his feelings, emotions, and opinions. Never shutting his mouth until Minghao fucked the attitude from him. But, today. Today was different.

"Don't be like this love" Minghao spoke, his voice cold yet stern, making his way into the bathroom and he saw Joshua roll his eyes.

Joshua said nothing, removing his jewelry as Minghao bit the inside of his cheek, doing his best to not snap at him. Taking off his suit jacket, Minghao laid in on the bathroom counter, taking a few steps towards Joshua, watching as Joshua stayed still, not moving away from him as he began to apply lotion to his face.

"I already told you why we can't reveal our relationship" Minghao told him, watching Joshua set the lotion down as he began to apply some chapstick.

"Mhm" Joshua hummed, taking off his clothes, wanting to irritate Minghao more as his bare body was on full display.

"I don't want you to face any backlash from us going open about it" Minghao insisted, taking a hold of Joshua's wrist as Joshua finally stopped in his tracks.

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