Chapter 27: Public and Private Matters

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Chapter 27: Public and Private Matters

After hearing this, Leon was somewhat confused, "Then I…"

"You've obtained the Titan Artifact. Whether or not you accepted the task or have the ability to complete it, you must have a registered game name, which is why I pulled you out of the game for an in-person discussion. This is official business, and it must be handled face-to-face."

Listening to this, Leon didn’t know what to say. He now understood that the item he acquired was key to reaching Level 4. Over the years, only a handful of people in all of Sun City had achieved Level 4—just five of them. So, every potential candidate had to be recorded.

Understanding this, Leon no longer hesitated and asked, "What should I do?"

"It’s simple. Choose a name for yourself, one that can easily be adapted to both Western and Eastern systems, and then report it to me."

Lucian spoke while placing a virtual light screen in front of Leon.

Leon looked and found the top of the screen displaying his current appearance and most of his information. Below that was the Titan Artifact he had stored away. Leon knew how precious this item was, even the Squad hadn’t seen one before.

Further down were two blank spaces, presumably for filling in the name and generating a badge.

After placing the light screen in front of Leon, Lucian explained, "Your Titan Artifact comes from the Cyclops-turned-Hundred-Eyed Giant. Though it has been refined, the Cyclops bloodline remains within it.

Furthermore, you've been blessed with good fortune several times. The first time was with the Pearl King's blessing, the second when the first three players gave up their claim, and the third when you were the first to open the treasure chest. As a result, the Cyclops bloodline in your Titan Artifact now approaches fifty percent.

Do you know the legend of the Cyclops?"

Leon nodded, "I know a bit. They were the children of Uranus and Gaia, brothers of the Titans."

"That’s right. Which means the Cyclops bloodline is closest to that of the Titans. Therefore, your task will be more difficult, beyond what your current level can handle."

At this, Lucian winked at Leon, who could only bow his head in acknowledgment. He understood that this task was far beyond his current Level 0 abilities.

"All you can do now is engrave your name on this item and then carefully store it away. And the name you engrave will be your game name. Have you thought about what you want to be called in the game?"

Leon hesitated for a moment and cautiously asked, "Do I need to decide now?"

"Of course, you can delay, but remember one thing—any Titan Artifact without a name engraved can be traded," Lucian glanced at Leon.

Leon straightened up at this. This was his opportunity and his choice. He knew Lucian was being polite because this was official business. If he missed this chance or made the wrong decision, Lucian would likely be the first to 'buy' the Titan Artifact from him.

With that thought in mind, Leon spoke directly, "My Titan Artifact comes from the Cyclops, so can I use 'Giant' as part of my game name? Just 'Giant' doesn’t sound right, how about… Leon Giant? No, that’s not good. Green Leon Giant? Still no good. Leonwood Giant? Elderwood Giant? No, the word 'elder' is too grand. How about…? Right, Vermilion Oak Giant, that’s the name."

"Vermilion Oak Giant? It has a bit of a druidic vibe. I see now, you’re a trickster," Lucian remarked upon hearing the name.

"Not exactly a trick. After all, I do have a natural affinity for magic. My parents originally thought I’d become a plant druid," Leon replied, now more relaxed and even cracking a joke.

Lucian paid no attention to the joke, and directly engraved the name onto the light screen. Under the Titan Artifact, the name "Vermilion Oak Giant’s Scorched Spear" appeared.

After the name was engraved, the two blank spaces filled with text. Leon noticed that in the first blank space, several names appeared that would be suitable for him to use.

"Only 'Vermilion Oak Giant' is your exclusive game name. The others are aliases or designations. In small circles, you can use them uniquely. If there’s a conflict, it’s usually first come, first served. Names like Vermilion Oak, Leonwood, or even Leon are included." Lucian explained.

After explaining all this, Lucian pointed to the second blank space, where a symbol—though incomplete—was forming.

The symbol currently displayed only a deep purple background, with no additional patterns or images.

Lucian began explaining again, "All players’ badges are designed by the game, not by themselves. The game adjusts the badge based on the player’s situation. Since you haven’t even chosen a profession yet, your badge remains blank.

As for why it’s purple, it’s simple. Purple is the color of the dark attribute. Since you have an affinity for dark magic and force, the badge is entirely purple. If your affinity were different, a third of the top space would remain blank for magic, and a third of the right space for force."

After explaining this long series of details, Lucian finally collected the information and said with a smile, "Alright, everything is settled. Now let’s talk about private matters."

"Private matters?" Leon was stunned. He didn’t think he had any private matters to discuss with Lucian.

Seeing Leon’s expression, Lucian laughed, this time heartily.

"It’s nothing major. Since you’ve obtained the Titan Artifact and are certain to reach Level 4, many people will try to recruit you. I’m not foolish—I won’t miss this opportunity. So, before you head out, let me explain my intentions.

I’m here as a spokesperson for my alma mater. My alma mater is the University of the Skyveil Realm in the Stellarfork Expanse, the strongest dual-magic and combat academy in the nation. They’ve always focused on training dual-magic and combat talents, especially those with the potential to become lords.

I’ve already informed them of your situation, and they’ve authorized me to offer you their genius track. If you agree, they’ll open a fast track for you. As long as you reach Level 1, you can enroll at any time. If you take the entrance exam, you’ll receive bonus points for special recruitment. They even guarantee you’ll graduate at Level 2, unlike regular students who take 60 school years to graduate."

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