Kays pov

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Once I seen Robby wake up it was noon and I was taking care of Skye and Robby look at me and said Kay and I said afternoon baby and he said sorry for sleeping and I said no problem babe and I heard Robby say what's the plan and I said we are able to go home and he smiled and he said when and I said 3 and he smiled and the nurse came in and said hey guys got amazing news for you guys and she said we are releasing you now so your able to go home and I smiled and I said yay. Once the nurse help me get Skye in the car seat and we were walking and she help Robby with the car seat and once Skye was secure and Robby started driving and we made it home. Once we got in the house and Sebastian grab Skye and was holding her and I said you got her and I heard yeah and I ran upstairs and got in the shower and I heard the door open and I heard hey baby and I freak out because it wasn't Robby and I knew who it was and I got out of the shower and grab a towel and I ran out the room and the towel was wrapped around me and Robby and then look at me and I heard Robby and Cory say Kay what's wrong and I said Thomas is in my room and I seen Cory and Robby run and I heard no one is there Kay come from Robby mouth and I walk back upstairs and I said are you sure and I said I'm not trusting my soaps and Robby and Cory left and I got dress and I knew Cory and Robby were waiting out by the door and I was getting dressed and I heard you really think that they would believe you baby and I said Thomas you need to leave me alone and Thomas said never baby and he grab my hair and I said please stop and Cory open the door after I said that and I seen Cory attack Thomas and I ran to Robby and I said he came out from the bathroom and I heard Cory say get kay out of here and I seen Triston and Anthony run in and I ran out of the room and ran downstairs. I said dad and seen him holding Skye and he look at me and I seen Justin holding a gun and pointed at me and I said dad get Skye out of here and he got up and he ran downstairs and Stevie seen my face and he was upstairs and I lip sorry and then Justin came and grab me and had the gun against me and he dragged me to the truck and I seen him pull out a cloth and I knew what was gonna happen and I said please I'll be good I promise. He had handcuffs and he place them on and I seen Thomas run to the truck and I seen Cory and Robby running towards the truck and Justin sped off and I said can you at least get me food please and I heard why is she awake and I said Thomas please no drugs and I heard what you want to eat and I said McDonald's and I heard fine and he got McDonald's breakfast and we left Florida and we were on our way to Wisconsin and I look out of the window and I didn't have my phone and I felt hopeless and I knew Thomas only wanted one thing and i said Thomas he look at me and I said can we please stop so I can pee please and he said fine and we stop at a gas station and I went to the bathroom and I left a little note on a piece of paper and I wrote help I've been kidnapped and they are taking me to Wisconsin. Once I left the bathroom and I seen Thomas and we got back to the truck and he secretly handcuffed me and Justin drove off and I look out the window and I heard Thomas say we are almost home Kay and I seen his smile and I look down and I knew I wouldn't been able to escape and I felt bad for Robby because I missed him and few hours later we were in cudahy and once we got to the house and Thomas took off the handcuffs and he dragged me in the house and this was a different house and I was place in Thomas room and I beg him to let me go and he said no.

8 months later
Thomas and Justin were in the living room and I was in the kitchen with sierra and we were doing dishes and I heard Kay come here and I walk in and I seen the motion for down and I got on my knees and I look at Thomas and he grab my neck and he kissed me and I kissed back and he said good girl and he said go and I got up and ran back in the kitchen and started cleaning the table and I seen sierra motion and I knew Thomas was right there and I heard babygirl and I said yes sir and he said aren't you supposed to be doing dishes and I said I'm picking up the table to see if there is dishes and I grab the dishes off the table and I was walking them by sierra and I heard okay. Once I heard we have a concert tonight at the bar and I said okay sir and I walk to rinse the dishes and place them in the dishwasher and Thomas came up and bit my neck and I notice what he was trying to do and I just let him leave a hickey and I turn around and he kissed me and left the room and I seen sierra face and I knew it was very dark hickey. Once we were done cleaning and we started cleaning the fridge and we toss what was old and I wash the dishes and the kitchen was clean and sierra got bathroom and I got bedroom and I walk up the stairs and I was making the bed and Thomas came in and shut the door and he said hey baby and I said yes sir and I made the bed and I grab the laundry basket and put all dirty clothes in there and I place it by the door and I went to the bathroom and clean the bathroom and once I was done and I seen the outfit Thomas choose and I smiled and I grab the outfit and I place it on and he said the laundry can wait don't you agree and I said are you sure and Thomas kiss me and I was praying for this to end but Thomas showed me the picture of Robby and Skye with another women and I look down and I heard he doesn't care about you and then I said okay sir and we were walking downstairs and it was 7pm and we left to the bar and once we walk in and Justin owns the bar and I seen a group of people and I seen Ekoh Tyler Cory Robby Triston Anthony  and Thomas held me close and we walk toward the bar and Thomas order a drink and I seen the corner of my eye Ekoh look at me and he said guys I think that's Kay and I seen Cory say where and Ekoh said bar and Thomas held my hand and Thomas was dragging me and I turn because I felt a hand grab my hand and I turn and seen sierra and Ekoh and Cory saw me and Cory said Robby it's her. Robby look and we made eye contact and I heard let's go come out of Thomas mouth and then I seen justin walk towards us and sierra let go of my hand and Thomas turn and face me and kissed me and the song was eternally yours and I look at Thomas and he bit my neck on the other side and left a hickey and I heard Justin say I'm assuming balcony and Thomas said yes and Thomas kissed me and said listen to Justin and I said yes sir and sierra grab my hand and I seen Cory and Triston walking and they saw the hickeys and I look down and Justin said up there and locked the door and we were on the balcony and I seen Thomas watching me and he seen me look in the crowd and I seen Robby and he motion and he pointed at his neck and I seen Thomas staring at me and then Thomas walk backstage and once I seen him walk up and he ran up to me and he grab my face and force a kiss and I heard you're mine and he showed me the picture of Robby with another girl with Skye and I nodded my head and sierra notice and Thomas left.

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