Kays pov

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Ekoh said want anything to eat and I said Tacobell and he laugh and said I was thinking the same thing and we got tacos and once we got to the house I seen Robby and Cory outside smoking a cigarettes and Ekoh hug me and said I better stay here in the car and I said that's okay and I said thanks again for last night we need to do it again and he said yeah and then he said Kay did anything happen last night and I said not that I'm aware of I was blackout drunk. Once I got out of the car and walk to the door and Robby said Kay where were you and I said out obviously and I walk in the house and I had different clothes because I pack clothes just in case I would crash at Ekohs and I walk in the house and I seen shevy holding Cody and she seen my face and I look at dad and he said how was last night and I said it was fun and he said what you guys do and I said we went bowling with rex and them and Robby walk in the kitchen and ask did you drink last night and I look at dad and I said no I didn't and why weren't you home with our kids and I said I need my space for a little bit and I heard Sebastian say Kay and Robby said well why were you out with Ekoh and i said because I can and why were you with Rex and them and I said Ekoh invited them and I said oh how was your date last night with your girlfriend and shevy heard that and she left the room with the kids and he said i wasn't on a date and I said oh so kissing random girls now. I laughed and he said why didn't Ekoh walk you in and I said because he is still scared of someone and I seen Sebastian say yeah I can do and I was handed the phone and I walk towards the living room and I said hello and I heard Ekoh say wanna go out again tonight and I smiled and said sure when and he said I'll pick you up at 8 and I okay and hung up and shevy seen my smile and I walk back in the kitchen and gave the phone to dad and Robby said I'm gonna stay the night to spend time with my kids and I said go right ahead. I was spending time with the kids and I seen it was 6 and dad made dinner and I ate and then I walk upstairs and got in the shower and I got dressed and I was doing my makeup and I grab a hoodie and place it on and I had my fake id and then the door open it was Robby and Cory and I heard Kay and I said yeah and I was in the bathroom doing my hair and I heard what you doing and I said nothing and Robby said damn you're fucking hot and I smiled and I said thanks and I walk out of the room and the guys were walking behind me and Sebastian handed me the phone and I heard we are outside and I said okay and I walk up to kids and kiss them and I walk out of the house and Robby look at me confused when I shut the door and I seen rex open the door and I got in and I said hi and we drove off and I said what's the plan because I got my fake id this time and I heard well we are going to get alcohol and drink at Rex's and I nodded my head and the guys went In and me and rex were alone and I seen Robby car in the parking lot and Rex and I were talking and he lean in and kissed me lightly and I seen Cory and Triston and Tony in the car and they we're looking over at the car but I had my hood on and Rex and I started talking and I smile when he said I can't believe Robby mess up again because you're really sexy and I smiled and I said thanks and Ekoh walk out with alcohol and same with Zak and we drove back to there place and I seen Robby and them following and once Ekoh type in the code at Rex's and Zaks and we pull in and park. Once I got out Rex wrap his arm around me and he was hardcore flirting and I walk in the house and the guys started drinking and I was acting like I was but I was only drinking water and I seen rex smiled and we were playing uno and then Ekoh and Zak passed out and rex was about to pass out but he dragged me upstairs and he started kissing me and I pulled away and Rex passed out and I got up and I walk downstairs and I walk out of house and out of the gate it was midnight and I started walking and I seen a car pull up next to me and I turn and seen it was Robby and Cory and I heard get in and I got in and we drove home and Sebastian was still awake and I heard Kay are you okay and I said yeah and I went straight upstairs and then I got to my room and I open the door and seen my phone on the bed and I walk and grab my phone and there was a text saying I'm sorry. Once I texted Ekoh saying I was home and I'm safe. Once I turn on the tv and I put on twister and I seen the door open and it was Robby and he said Kay and I turn away and Robby hop in the bed and said Kay please face me and I was crying already and it was because Rex was super drunk and he wanted to fuck me and I didn't want to and he was trying to take my clothes off and I stop him and he got mad and then 5 minutes later he was asleep. Once Robby said Kay and I face him and he seen my tears and he said what's wrong and I said nothing I'm okay.

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