•Chapter 9•

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*time skip one hour*

"DO YOU GUYS WANT SOME LUNCH?!?" My mom yells upstairs.

I look at Preston

"Sure." He says

We walk down the stairs and he goes first. While he was walking down I jumped on his back.

"Woahhhhhh" Preston laughs.

He runs down the stairs and sets me down on the couch. He tackles me and starts ticking me.

"Pres-ton st-top-p" I say between laughing.

"Are you gonna scare me like that again?" He says still tickling me.


"You promise?"

"I-I pr-rom-mise!"

"Okay." He says stopping.

"Ok-kay" I say between pants.

He kisses me and it's still like the first time.

"Hey guys wher- oh well never mind." My mom walks in on us.

"That's awkward..." Preston says.

"Yup..." I reply. "I need my own place."

"You could move in with me!" Preston suggests.

"I'll think about it. Let's go eat."


We go in and sit down. My mom had made us chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese.

"Oiiii my favorite! Thanks mom!" I say

"Your welcome."

"Im uploading the video now"

About 5 seconds later I get a notification.

PrestonPlayz New Video! : I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!

I smile.

"That's cute, you have my notifications on." Preston giggles. "Mrs. Ghiridelli, I think you might want to see this."

Preston shows my mom the video we just recorded. My mom started to tear up not even through the whole video.

"Oh yay!" My mom says. Then goes back to watching.

The video is ending. My mom starts sobbing. She gives Preston a hug.

"Thank you, thank you for being there for her." My mom sniffles.

"Your welcome Mrs. Ghiridelli. I love her." Preston says looking at me.

My mom lets go of Preston.

"I'm sorry." My mom apologizes. "It's just that I want Mara to have someone who will always be there for her. Unlike her father."

"May I ask what happened?" Preston asks sitting down.

"He was very verbally abusive to me and Mara and I left him."

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's quite alright. He's gone now!" My mom pushes through a smile.

She hasn't been able to hold a guy since. She has trust issues with all guys she loves and ends is before she gets hurt. I throw a chicken nugget at Preston to change the mood. I quickly glance away. Preston glances at me smiling.

"Hey Mara..?"

"Yes babe?" I smile like nothing happened.

"Do you know how this chicken nuggets landed on me?"

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