Chapter 47

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(Robs POV)

"Rob we need to talk..." Preston says his arms folded.

"Yeah man what about?" I ask him munching on chip.

"Listen to me Robert... You know I like Mara."

"Dude, you're seriously upset about that?"

"Yes I'm upset about that!" He starts to yell. "We have been best friends for how many years now? I don't want a girl to bring us apart. So please just be the better person and break up with her! Neither one of is have to date her!"

I hear Mara move around in the bedroom.

"Listen to me Preston" I get up in his face. "I will not break up with Mara, not now and hopefully not ever. I love her and you will NEVER get in the way. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!"

Preston looks at me with anger.

"Fine, some best friend you are..." He says walking towards the couch.

"Goodnight Preston"


I sigh and walk back to the room. I open the door and Mara is pacing the room. She looks at me and looks at me in pure terror.

"Babe." I walk over to her and out my hands on her hips. "Did you hear all that?"

She nods and starts crying.

"Oh love." I put my chin on her head. "I'm so sorry. I just can't lose you."

She cries into my chest.

"Babe you're overtired, let's go to bed. Come on jump" I laugh.

She jumps and I grab ahold of her legs and carry her over to the bed. I take my shirt off and crawl into bed with her.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too Robypoo" she says and falls asleep in my arms.


I wake up and Mara is at the end of the bed on her phone.

"Hey" I say groggily. "Are you okay?"

She snaps her head back and her makeup is down her face.

I quickly get up and sit next to her.

"Babe" I say worried. "What's wrong"

She shakes her head no.

I pull her close to me and kiss her on the cheek.

"If you ever need to talk I'm always here." I say putting my nose close to hers.

"I know" she squeaks out. "Thank you"

"You're welcome"

I kiss her on the lips and press my forehead against hers.

"It's my dog." She sobs. "I know it may sound stupid, but this dog was my everything. We've had him since I was born. When I was younger... He was my only friend. When I was alone at home he would come up to me and sit down and wait for me to start singing. He was my number one fan. Anyway, he can't move and he's throwing up everything and my mom wants me to come home and see him before he you know.."

"Yeah I get it. Get dressed and we will go. Okay?" I say.

She nods her head and gets dressed.

I leave a note for the guys and we leave.


We get to her house and she runs inside to her mom and her brother siting down next to a very old German Shepard.

"Mara I'm so sorry" her mom says.

Mara starts crying and walks over to the dog.

"Hey Major." She says.

I'm guessing that's the dogs name.

Major's tail moves like it wants to wag.

"I just want to say thank you. You've been there for me more than anyone. I want you to meet someone." She motions me for me to come over.

I walk over and kneel down next to her.

"This is Rob, aka MrWoofless. You know the YouTuber, that I used to talk about on end." She says.

"Hey buddy." I start. You don't need to worry about Mara. She'll be safe with me. I promise."

The dog moves his head to my knee and looks at me like thank you.

"You're welcome" I whisper.

The dog slowly starts to close his eyes and starts to lay his head back down.

Mara starts to cry again.

"Goodbye Major..." She sobs into his fur. "Thank you for everything"

She looks up at me and hugs me.

"You're okay. You're okay." I say trying to calm her down.


After alway everything seemed to calm down.

Mara and I are sitting on the couch and her mom is making some food.

Mara is emotionally drained.

"The foods ready guys." Her mom says.

We walk out to the kitchen in silence.

A couple minutes pass and Mara hasn't even touched her food.

"Babe you haven't eaten all day. You have to eat" I say concerned.

She takes a couple bites and then puts the rest in the fridge. At least she ate something.

She walks back out to the living room and I follow her.

"Rob can we go home?" She asks.

"Yes love." I say wrapping my arms around her. "When we get home we can just get in pjs and I can order a pizza and we can just watch Netflix for the rest of the day okay?"

"I'd like that."


We thank her mom and she says one last goodbye to her dog and we leave.


We get to the house and the guys are still there.

"Hey guys Mara just had a really bad time her dog just died and she's really upset. So we're just gonna stay in my room for the rest of the day. If you need me knock. I ordered a pizza so answer the door when he comes" I say.

The agree and I walk back to the room. I give Mara a pair of my boxers and one of my tee shirts

I lay down and she cuddles up next to me and I put my arm around her. Every so often I hear a sniffle. I kiss her on the top of the head and I start to play with her hair. She falls asleep before the pizza even gets here so I let the guys eat like half. I'll save the rest for us tomorrow.

Awh shoot! Tomorrow's valentines day!

And I know exactly what to get her.

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