•Chapter 35•

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I wake up and Preston is still sleeping. I look over at the clock and it says 1:35. I quickly wake up Preston. 

"Babe, I know you want to sleep but it's 1:30. We have to get ready." I wake him up.

He looks at me and pouts.

"Oh, don't give me that face. You have to go to the doctors." I laugh

He groans and rolls on top of me.

"Prestonnnnn you're squishing me" I giggle.

He's like a big teddy bear. But a sweaty, feverish, sick teddy bear. I start to get mad.

"Preston Blaine Arsement you get off of me right now and get ready for your doctors appointment." I say my voice stern.

He gets off of me and stands up. He hobbles his way over to the dresser and gets cargo shorts and a tee shirt.

"You used my full name." He pretends to cry.

I stand up and go over to him.

"I'm sorry, but you weren't listening." I say.

He pouts and walks to the bathroom to take a shower. I go over to the morrow has on his bedroom wall and redo my hair and makeup. A few minutes later Preston walks out of the bathroom.

"Do you think you could do my hair?" He asks.

"Yeah sit down on the bed." I say.

He sits down on the bed and I grab my brush and hair dryer. I start to dry his hair but I put it in the bowl cut style.

"Awe the bowl cut. I actually kinda missed it." He smiles.

"Yeah so did I." I say.

He grabs my waist and makes me straddle him.

"I would kiss you but you're sick." I laugh.

"Come on let's go to the doctors" he says standing up.

I drop down off of him and take his hand. He grabs his keys and we leave.

"You have your permit right?" He asks me.

"Yeah why?" I ask

"Can you drive? I'm really tired."


He gives me the keys and we get in.


"Preston?" The nurse says.

We walk into the room and he sits down on the bed and I sit down in the chair next to him. She takes his temperature and all the things nurses do.

"So do you have a girlfriend? Because you're super cute." The nurse says.

I sit up in my chair.

"Yeah he does, and she isn't afraid to fight someone." I say through my teeth.

"Oh I'm sorry." She says. "The doctor will be in soon."

She walk out of the room and I sit back again.

"I'm cute." He says looking at me.

"Yeah I know. Don't push it." I laugh.

A few minutes later the doctor walks in.
He asks him some questions and types on his computer.

"It looks like you have a sinus infection. So I'm going to give you some antibiotics for that. It might make you a little bit sleepy. And also for you." He says pointing at me. "I'm gonna give you an antibiotic so you don't get this. Also no kissing."

Preston pouts and looks at me.

"Gosh darn it." Preston laughs.

"Sorry." The doctor laughs. " your medicine will be sent over t the drug store. Have a nice day and feel better." The doctor says as he opens the door for us.

"Thank you." I say and we leave.

I drive to the drug store and pick up our medicine and I go back to the car.  I get in and Preston s sleeping. I drive back home and wake him up.

"Babes. We're home. You can go back to sleep in the house." I say.

H groans and we walk to the condo. I opens the door and he walks straight to the bedroom.

"Wait Preston! You have to take your medicine." I say.

I take my medicine and bring him his with a glass of water. He takes his medicine. He gets changed into sweatpants and a white tee shirt and lays down in bed. I get changed into softee shorts and a TBNRfrags tee shirt. I sit down on the couch and turn on the Xbox. Preston groans and walks over to me and lays his head in my lap. I put my hand in his hair and sigh.

"I don't feel good." He whines.

"I know babe, but the medicine should kick in soon." I say.

He groans and closes his eyes. I kiss him on the cheek and play some Xbox.


About a hour later Preston wakes up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I say.

He laughs and sits up.

"Could you make me some soup?" He asks me with puppy dog eyes.


I peck him on the lips and go out in the kitchen. I make him some chicken noodle soup and bring it to him.

"Thank you baby." He says taking the bowl.

"You're welcome." I say.

He finishes his soup and lays back down. I smile and lay down next to you him. I face away from him and he puts his arms around me. He puts his nose in my hair.

"Your hair smells good." He says.

"Thank you." I giggle.

My phone buzzes. It's Kenny.

🐢 Hey
🐢 Preston's sick?
🐙 yeah.
🐢I'm so sorry. 
🐙 haha it's okay.
🐢 I wish I was still there 😔😔
🐙 yeah me too so you can care of Preston.
🐢 text his mom. She'll be over in a heartbeat.
🐙 okay?
🐢 yeah I gotta go.
🐙oh. Okay bye.
🐢 I'll talk to you later bye.

*end of conversation*

"Who was that?" Preston asks

"Kenny." I say turning over to face him.



I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest and fall asleep.

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