•Chapter 22•

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I'm doing a time skip to where she is 8 months pregnant. There isn't much to write about. Byeeee ~ Marz.

*8 months*

"Hey." I hear Preston's morning voice wake me up.

I groan and try to fall back asleep.

"Babe you gotta get up." He laughs.

"But I don't wannaaaaa." I whine.

"I'll get you Starbucks."

"Okay." I sit up. "Can you pick me up some Nutella too?"

"Anything for you."

He kisses me and leaves. Why is he so sweet to me. I smile and lay back down. A few minutes later I get up and get dressed. I go out to the living room and sit down and think.

Why did Preston choose me?

Out of everyone why choose me? There are so many other girls prettier than me. Maybe he just felt bad? Wait. If he just felt bad then why am I pregnant with his child? I'm reallly confused.

The door opens.

"Hey babe." Preston smiles.

"Hi." I say back.

"Here is your extra large jar of Nutella and your medium white chocolate mocha latte."

"Thank you."

I walk over and hug him.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah?! Why wouldn't I be?!" I yell. "Ohmygosh I didn't mean to yell at you."

"Ohhh the mood swings are kicking in."

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay." He laughs.

"It's just that the pregnancy is making me really emotional and confused" I cry.

"Babe" he rubs my back. "What are you confused about?"

He motions me to sit on the couch with him. I sit down and face him.

"I just don't understand why you choose me. Out of everyone, me..." I say.

He looks at me.

"When I first saw you I saw something i never saw in someone before. I thought you were beautiful. You weren't afraid to ask anything" he laughs. "You are special to me Mara. Like really special. If I didn't love you, we probably wouldn't be having a child and having this conversation right now. I love you Mara."

"I love you too Preston."

I hug him and he kisses my forehead. We stay like this for a while.

My phone buzzes. It's my mom.

🐙 me

👩🏽 can you come for dinner tonight? Bring Preston too! Lachlan and Savanna can come too if they would like!
🐙 okayyyy we will be there in a hour!
👩🏽 great! Don't forget to text savanna!
🐙 I won't! See you soon.

*end of conversation*

"Babe we have to get ready, we're going to my moms for dinner." I say to Preston.

"Okay just let me take a shower." He says going to the bathroom.

I decide to text savanna.

🐙hey my mom wants you and Lachlan to come to her house for dinner.
👻 okay we'll be there in like a hour and a half.
🐙 okay

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