Chapter 8: Bereft

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Yay! This is one of my favorite Young Justice episodes! I decided to start this chapter since my wifi has been acting wonky and I'm not sure if it'll continue working the next time I want to update. I don't know if I'll finish this chapter today but I'll try. Thanks again for reading!


Robin groaned as he walked. He leaned against a giant rock. Not soon after, he heard some sort of engine. He stared until his vision cleared up. The Boy Wonder's eyes widened as he hid. A car had passed by with people holding guns.

"Those are Bialyan Republican Army uniforms." Robin realized, "But, what are Bialyans doing in.." He checked his glove. "Bialya?" He was confused. He had woken up in Bialya?

"Ok. Better question," Robin continued, "What am I doing in Bialya?" (BTW I just wanted to point out the obvious and say that all of this are his thoughts. He is NOT speaking =_=)

Robin checked the holoscreen on his glove again, "In September?! What happened to March!?" He put a finger to his com, ready to radio Batman.

Before he could though, he had a flashback. Batman was saying to remain radio silence at all times. After the small flashback ended, he thought to himself, "Or not."

He jumped off the giant rock, the one where he hid at. Landing on his feet, he noticed something caught on a different, and smaller, rock. He walked over and grabbed it. His eyes narrowed as he noticed the S symbol. The same symbol that would be on Superman's costume, except the coloring is a little different.


"Hey, you. Wake up."

Artemis opened her eyes and groaned. She put a hand to her head. She then noticed Kid Flash and backed away in a panic.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Kid Flash said, trying to reassure her, "I won't hurt you. I'm one of the good guys. You know,~ Kid Flash!"

Artemis stared at him, still cautious.

"Seen Kid Flash on the news. He doesn't wear black."

She watched as the boy looked down at his costume before looking back up, clearly confused.

"A little unclear on that myself." He had a nervous grin on his face, "What about you, Green Arrow fixation?"

Artemis looked down at what she was wearing and asked, startled, "Who put me in this?!"

She looked at Kid Flash. His face said "It-obviously-wasn't-me-so-don't-even-try-and-accuse-me"

"Wow. I am not touching that with a ten foot-" He cut himself off, "So, you know how to use that bow?" He was hoping that this wouldn't get any more awkward, plus he needed to find out more about her. What if she was an enemy?

"Jeez." He realized, "I'm turning into Robin.... Wait! Where's Robin?! Sure I can't be on a mission with the Flash since he usually stays close by. I'm also in uniform so that must mean I'm superheroing . But with who!? If I'm not with The Flash, I must be with Robin. BUT. WHERE'S. ROBIN!?"

He was snapped out of his "speedthinking" when the girl replied, "Yeah. My dad taught me."

He then noticed her face turn angry, as if she realized something, "Dad! He must have done this. Another one of his stupid tests."

Kid Flash was little worried, "Wh-what kind of test?"

"He probably wants me to kill you." She said so nonchalantly.

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