Chapter 11: Alpha Male (Part 2)

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Hi Guys! Sorry i didn't update sooner! My aunt came to visit and I hadn't hung out with her too much. I'm updating now cuz she went back to Florida.. NOW ONWARD TO THE STORY!!


Robin and Kid Flash were wandering around the jungle. They had decided to stop for a few seconds to  check Robin's holoscreen and to let KF put on his goggles. The two heard screeching noises, so they looked up. What they saw were Vultures! The vultures were heading their way too! 

The two dodged some of the vultures' claws before getting up and stumbled off. A surprise attack?! By animals!? They had expected some villain or whatever but not a bunch of wild animals. 

"I thought vultures only ate dead meat!" Robin thought as he flung two Birdarangs at a few of the vultures. The birds dodged at the last minute as the birdarang exploded behind them.

"Yeah, these are some very proactive scavengers." KF replied as the two ran. (In human speed, for some reason)

"Proactive and super-sized." Robin thought before thinking up a plan.

"Cobra Venom?" KF asked for confirmation. 

Robin gave a nod before the duo had to dodge another set of claws. 


Artemis coughed up some water as Miss Martian looked around. 

"Nearly drowning two nights in a row? Way less fun then it sounds." Artemis remarked.


Robin kept dodging the many claws that kept launching themselves at him. He used the trees as monkey bars as he dodged yet another set of claws.

KF was not that far away from him, running in superspeed before using his speed to run up the trees and launching himself at a vulture. 

The vulture crashed into the ground as Kid Flash used the vines from the jungle to slow down his fall. 


Superboy hit wolf after wolf. He had been attacked by them suddenly when he was about to jump. (Still can't fly)

He turned around when he noticed another wolf. This wold was different from the others though. It's fur was white, not brown, and it was standing on a rock as it watched from above.

Superboy's eyes narrowed as he let out a small growl. The wolf growled back and soon launched itself at him, teeth bared.


"Remove the collar!" Aqualad shouted to Captain Marvel as they were continuously attacked by elephants. 

The two removed all the collars on their attackers and found that the animals decided to leave them alone, they had turned around and walked away.

"Pretty Sweet, the way you figured out the problem was the collars." Captain Marvel had said, not soon after he had landed next to Aqualad.

"But the collars indicate an intelligence behind this attack. The rest of the team may also be at risk." Aqualad responded seriously. 

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