Chapter 19: Humanity (Part 1)

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Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been really busy lately! My school has been doing a lot of tests lately.. I also have lots of laundry to fold (about 3-4 weeks worth) and homework to do today but I'm kinda procrastinating. What better time than to make an update! I haven't updated in 20 or so days but here's the new chapter! Sorry again for lack of new updates..


"When his prodigal son returned, his father saw him with compassion and ran, and embraced him." For him, his son was lost and is found. You are the prodigal son, Tornado, and I rejoice at your return and thank you for making our little family reunion possible." A man in a lab coat spoke as he worked on Red Tornado, T.O. Morrow.

Tornado was in parts! His legs, arms, chest, and head were separated! Not only that, his voicebox was gone. He won't be able to speak but his hearing and sight were left untouched.


"Pineapple juice?" Captain Marvel asked as he handed Wally the glass.

"Ahh.. Just what the doctor ordered." Wally sighed contently. He was sitting on a lounge chair.

"How's the arm doing, Wally?" The child-like (*crosses out child-like and replaces with man-child*) hero asked, referring to Wally's wrapped arm.

"Well, nothing nachos can't cure." Wally said as he made the foot rest come out.

"Nachos? Oh! I'll go get you some!" The Leaguer flew away.

Wally looked at the rest of the team.

Robin had just knocked Artemis on her back as Aqualad and Miss Martian sparred.

"Good work, everyone. In fact, it's been a very productive week." Black Canary commented as the team stopped their assaults.

"Yeah, for everyone except Kid Malingerer." Artemis said, getting off the floor as she looked Wally's way.

"Hey! Arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here!" Wally snapped back.

Robin just rolled his eyes. "Aren't Speedsters supposed to heal fast?" He thought.

BC (Black Canary) just shook her head and chuckled. "I've really enjoyed being your.. uh.. Den Mother this week."

"Recognized: Zatara 1-1"

He pulled up a holoscreen and typed a bit.

"Access Granted: Zatanna, Zatara A-03

Authorization: Zatara 1-1"

"Zatanna, this is the team. Team, my daughter, Zatanna." Zatara introduced.

"Hi, I'm M'Gann, that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, and Connor!" The Martian greeted with a smile.

"Welcome to the cave." Kaldur greeted too.

"Thanks." Zatanna said, though she was looking at Robin the whole time.

"Are you joining the team?" Wally asked, noticing how she was eyeing his birdie.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is strictly a visit. But I am sorry we missed the training, it's something from which Zatanna could benefit." Zatara added hastily before talking to BC.

"Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?" M'Gann asked the team telepathically.

"Not just Zatara." Connor added his two cents before explaining, "I mean, why is Marvel still hanging around?"

"Because we like having him around." Wally commented with a small grin.

"You like having him around 'cause he waits for you hand and foot." Artemis stated matter-of-factly as she placed her hands on her hips.

"And your point is?" Wally asked in reply.

Robin once again rolled his eyes and he punched Wally in the arm.

"Ow!" Wally thought as he rubbed his arm.

Robin gave him a look.

"Okay, okay.. I'll try." The team is so used to this now..

"It always makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor." Kaldur added, continuing their previous discussion.

Robin nodded in agreement.

"At least he trusted us." Wally commented.

"If you ignore the fact we shouldn't have trusted him!" Connor glared Robin's way as Robin looked right back, unfazed.

If you looked Zatanna's way, you could've noticed she was a bit annoyed and confused.

"He was the traitor! That machine nearly got all of us killed." Connor looked back at the others.

"Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" Zatanna got everyone's attention. (Yes, the Leaguers too)

"'Cause I can't decide if that's cool or really rude." She continued on.

"All right, fine. We were talking about Tornado." Connor confessed, turning to the two adults in the room.

"It's been weeks since his attack, and the League hasn't told us anything!"

Black Canary looked saddened now, "The League is searching for Tornado, as well as the other androids that invaded the cave and their creator, T.O. Morrow. Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority."

"But you've found none of the above." Robin signed.

"Not yet, but Tornado is Justice League. The team is not to pursue this." She added.

Zatanna looked confused.

"Nobody said anything."

Everyone looked over at Robin and he just shrugged.

"Why don't you all take Zatanna on a.. uh.. A tour of the cave?" Zatara changed the subject.

"You're giving a tour? Cool!" Captain Marvel showed up, holding a plate of nachos.

"Actually, I was hoping you'd take Wolf outside." Connor approached Captain Marvel. "He needs the exercise. We'll join you in a few."

"Sure, sure." CM nodded, agreeing enthusiastically, "I can do that! Come on, Wolf!"

The two ran out.

Wally looked so depressed right then. "Wh-what b-but- My nachos!"

Connor just grabbed him by the shirt.


"We're not really taking a tour are we?" Zatanna asked, in a new set of clothes.

"No. We're hunting down that robot." Connor answered. (As honest as ever, eyy Connor-o-boy?)

"Yes, we are." Kaldur added in, giving Connor a warning look.

"Oh, wow. Out loud and everything." Zatanna commented.

Artemis and Robin both raised an eyebrow.

"What about new girl?" The archer asked.

"Doesn't anyone know how to keep a secret?" Robin thought, exasperated.

"I can't tell." Zatanna turned and looked at Robin with a smirk. "Not if you kidnap me."

"Oh, she's going to fit in great." Artemis commented.


Sorry it was short, and incomplete, but my stupid sister needs the damn laptop. Gosh she's so demanding, she just waltz into the room and said "i need the laptop." Sheeshh. Anyways, I'm only about 5 minutes in but the word count is up to 900 already! I'll continue this chapter.. maybe tomorrow? Or later in the day. Thanks for reading!

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